

  • 简介:摘 要:萧红是我国20世纪30年代独具艺术风格的女性作家。其作品以一种鲜明的“萧红的写法”为特色,使其小说具有独特的艺术魅力。她的代表作《生死场》、《呼兰河传》、《小城三月》等,历经几度沉浮后,时至今日更受世人关注与青睐。萧...
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摘 要:萧红是我国20世纪30年代独具艺术风格的女性作家。其作品以一种鲜明的“萧红的写法”为特色,使其小说具有独特的艺术魅力。她的代表作《生死场》、《呼兰河传》、《小城三月》等,历经几度沉浮后,时至今日更受世人关注与青睐。萧红的独特经历和鲁迅先生的帮助与指导,使其小说具有一定的思想深度,思想内涵呈现出深刻性和多重性的特点。萧红的苦难身世使她更同情被损害者与被侮辱者,她的小说倾向于表现他们的凄惨生活情况和麻木的精神状态,凄婉的悲剧美成为她小说的一个重要特点。萧红具有女性的敏感和细致,她自由自在、无拘无束的特殊个性,再加上她细腻的笔法,使小说的语言自成一体,与众不同。她常采用儿童习语式的语言,富有深情的语言,贴切传神的语言,使小说形成独特的语言风格。浓郁的抒情性,如诗如画的画面美以及结构的散文化使她的小说具有抒情诗化的文体美。萧红小说独特的艺术魅力,将随着时间的推移和历史的沉淀,越来越散发出夺目的光彩。


Abstract: Xiao Hong is a 1930’s unique artistic style of women writers. His works in a distinctive, "Xiao Hong worded" features style, it's a unique artistic charm. She write some Masterpieces,Such as the "field of life and death", "Hulan River", "Small Town in March", after several ups and downs, now even more people’s world attention. Xiao Hong's unique experience and the help and guidance from Mr. Lu Xun, her novels have deep idea, showing a profound ideological content and multiple sexual characteristics. Xiao Hong's background makes her more sympathy with the injured person, the performance of her novels tend to their miserable living conditions and the mental state of numbness, the Miserable tragedy of her novels become an important feature. Xiao Hong with the sensitive and meticulous, she freely, unfettered special personality, with her delicate technique, so that's the language of self-contained, distinctive.she often used the language of children Idioms and full of deep feeling of the language, appropriate expressive language, so that's a unique style. Strong lyric, Poem picturesque scenes of casual culture and her novels have Features of the poem and Lyric. Xiao Hong's unique artistic charm, with the passage of time and history of precipitation, will more and more emit a dazzling brilliance.

Keywords: Xiao Hong’s novels; Ideological content; Beautiful tragedy; Beautiful Language;Beautiful Style



萧红在现代文学史上,是一个比较“显眼”的人物,她身世飘零、天才特出,她的创作道路、性格、才情都呈现出与众不同的特点。她短短的八九年创作生涯中,留下了数量可观的文字作品——十多部中、短篇小说集,散见于报刊的文章和诗歌、散文等,约一百余万字[1](P.256)。萧红在创作过程中, 她的所有文字,贯穿着鲜明的个人风格。一直在走自己的文学创作之路,不愿与人为伍,正是这一切促使她敢于不拘成法,破格越轨形成自己独特的文学风格和艺术魅力,从而为自己开辟出一片新的文学天地。《生死场》、《呼兰河传》和《小城三月》这三部代表作充分的体现了萧红小说独特的艺术魅力。

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