

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:11087) 摘 要: 回眸一生,巴金走过的是一段格外坎坷曲折的风雨历程,其间的荣枯际遇聚讼纷纭,既受时代的泽被,又负历史的沉重。 《随想录》作为巴金晚年为之奋斗的一部力作,耗时八年之久,是用其全部人生经验来倾心创作的。...
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(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:11087)

摘 要: 回眸一生,巴金走过的是一段格外坎坷曲折的风雨历程,其间的荣枯际遇聚讼纷纭,既受时代的泽被,又负历史的沉重。 《随想录》作为巴金晚年为之奋斗的一部力作,耗时八年之久,是用其全部人生经验来倾心创作的。他自己说是他“一生的收支总账”,是他“留给后人的遗嘱”。《随想录》中巴金以作家特有的敏感,从深刻剖析人的灵魂出发,深入剖析了“文革”得以产生的社会历史土壤和民族心理习惯。作品以良心的拷问和人格的再造为切入点,分别从揭露与控诉、自责与忏悔;讲真话,抒真情、树立崇高的理想、倡导人格的完善等方面来进行一次思想的大整顿。《随想录》的真正价值并不仅仅在于暴露“四人帮”所造的黑暗时代的罪恶本身,而是从中华民族悠久的文化史中挖掘那些罪恶得以产生的深刻历史根源,从内心巨大冲突中进行逐渐深入的痛定思痛的思想革命,事实上整整一部《随想录》也正可以看作是巴金用纸和笔建立的一座个人的“文革”博物馆。

关键词: 《随想录》;思想价值;良心;人格

Abstract: Looking back through his whole life, Ba Jin has went through an eventful life of extreme torture and unfortunate, during which those glories and failures, risings and downs, are all accompanied by the great events happened during that historical period. Random Thoughts , as a masterpiece which Ba Jin inserts all his energy and time during his old years, has taken eight years for him to finish it. He says that this book is "a general conclusion and contemplation of his own life", and is "his final words to his descendents".As a writer of sensitive mind, Ba Jin is more concerned about the inner world of common people. He makes a significant analysis on the social and historical reasons and people's habitual thinking mode of why this disaster happened at that time. The work, basing on the torture of conscience and rebuilding of character, makes a ideological remodification in terms of exposing and charging, self-scolding and regretting, speaking for reality, choosing lofty ideals, and advocating the improving of people's characters. The real value of Random Thoughts, not only lies in exposing the evil deeds done by "the four gangs", but also in finding profound historical roots of these evils from Chinese culture with such a long history. The author, is conducting a ideological revolution through his inner conflicting of his mind. Actually, the whole work can be considered as a personal museum of "the culture revolution" built by the author's pen.

Key words: Random Thoughts; ideological value; conscience; personality




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