
《白鹿原》中的“另类”们 ——浅析三位典型女性的生命意识

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:11480) 摘 要: 白鹿原》成功地通过对关中平原一个家族史的变迁展示了一个民族文化环境中的人的生活。坐落在关中平原的白鹿原继承了几千年的封建思想、封建道德观念,并用它来紧紧的钳制这人们的头脑,而以血缘为纽带的宗族文...
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(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:11480)

摘 要: 白鹿原》成功地通过对关中平原一个家族史的变迁展示了一个民族文化环境中的人的生活。坐落在关中平原的白鹿原继承了几千年的封建思想、封建道德观念,并用它来紧紧的钳制这人们的头脑,而以血缘为纽带的宗族文化,用一种含情脉脉的面纱,麻痹和压迫原上的女性。原上几千年的封建传统礼教压制着女性生命意识的觉醒,它们给妇女设定的角色就是屈从男性,女性在男权世界里被抹去,她们只是男人眼里的工具,没有思想,没有意识,只是被动的活着,一切以男人为主。小说主要是以男性为主,但是女性而作为其小说不可或缺的一部分、她们的生活境遇、命运在这关中平原礼教吃人的环境中染上了一层悲剧。小说《白鹿原》为我们塑造了一系列个性鲜明的女性形象。服从传统礼教的吴仙草,具有反抗封建礼教和男权意识的田小娥,最具现代女性意识的白灵,她们都是作品中女性的代表人物。作品通过对她们的生存环境、生存状态的分析,将女性反抗封建礼教、男权的艰难历程活生生的展现在我们面前。


Abstract:Plateau of White Deer has demonstrated people's life in a national culture environment successfully through the vicissitude of a guanzhong plain family history. Plateau of White Deer which was situated in guanzhong plain has inherited several thousand years’ feudalistic thinking and the feudalism morality, and immobile people's brains tightly with it, however, the patriarchal clan culture which take the blood relationship as the link, paralysis and oppressed original on the female with one kind of loving veil. On the plain, thes feudal tradition confucianism of several thousand years was suppressing feminine life consciousness awakening, they set the role which established for the woman was submitedm to the male, the female in the male power world is cancelled, they are only tools without thoughts and consciousness in the male person eyes, they lived passively, everything was for the male. The novel is mainly by the male, but as the female took a indispensable part in the novel, their life circumstances and their destiny was a tragedy in this environment which almost ate up the female of guanzhong plain. The novel " Plateau of White Deer" has portrayed a series of feminine image with bright individuality for us. Wu Xiancao , who obeyed the tradition Tian Xiao’e, who revolted feudal ethics and male’s power, BaiLing who had the female consciousness most , they are the safeminine representative personages in the work. The work demonstrates the difficult course to revolts against the feudal ethics and the male power in front of us lively through the analysis of their living environment and the survival condition's.

Keywords:Plateau of White Deer,wuxiancao,tianxiao’e,bailing,feminine life




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