

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:10088) 摘 要: 自2006年《鬼吹灯》问世以来,“盗墓小说”受到众多读者热烈地追捧。这些小说在网络上刚刚亮相,就已经形成了庞大的阅读群体。“盗墓小说”综合了许多现实与虚构、盗墓与探...
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(毕业论文 页数:9 字数:10088)

摘 要: 自2006年《鬼吹灯》问世以来,“盗墓小说”受到众多读者热烈地追捧。这些小说在网络上刚刚亮相,就已经形成了庞大的阅读群体。“盗墓小说”综合了许多现实与虚构、盗墓与探险的因素,处处充满悬疑,时时遇见惊悚。小说中还夹杂着很多神秘、推理的因素。许多“盗墓小说”包含了大量的历史、地理、风水学、占星术和考古学等知识,这也是能够满足众多读者阅读需要的元素。关于这一类的图书,中国图书市场从来就没有少过,只不过侧重于历史题材的。而盗墓类小说在最近几年迅速走红,不但与小说的内容质量较高有关联,而且也与读者的爱好,以及社会环境有着巨大的关联。文学发展的自身因素为“盗墓小说”的兴盛原因探析提供了良好基础,传统文化因素使“盗墓小说”兴盛成为可能,网络传播技术的迅速发展成为“盗墓小说”兴盛的推动力。当然,在同一时间里出现如此众多相同题材和基调的“盗墓小说”会使作品过于集中,读者出现审美疲劳等诸多问题。“盗墓小说”的可持续发展,既要提高该体裁小说自身创作质量,还要拒绝“盗墓小说”创作商业化倾向。

关键词: “盗墓小说”;网络传播;文化传统;猎奇心理;文学因素

Abstract:Since the 2006 Ghost Blows Lamp has been published .The development of "Grave Robbers Novel" is pursued by many readers enthusiastically. These novels on the network have just appeared on a large formation of reading groups. "Grave Robbers Novel" integrated with the reality of a lot of fiction, adventure and grave robbers, which is full of suspense and horror. Inclusion in the novel is also full of mystery, reasoning factors. Many "Grave Robbers Novels" contain a great deal of history, geography, Fengshui, astrology and archaeology, and other knowledge. This is also able to meet the needs of the many readers’ elements. Books on Chinese book market have never been less than merely focusing on the theme of history. The "Grave Robbers Novel" category in recent years, not only novels and a higher quality of the content is related, but also the readers who love and social environment has great relevance. Literature factors for the development of its own "Grave Robbers Novel". The rise provided a good basis, the traditional cultural factors so that " Grave Robbers Novel" may become a flourishing network of the rapid development of communication technologies ,become the driving force of prosperity of "Grave Robbers Novel". Of course, at the same time in so many different themes and tone of "Grave Robbers Novel" would work too be concentrated, there will appear the tire from readers and many other issues. "Grave Robbers Novel" can be sustainable development, not only by the genre's impact on the quality of them own creation, but also by the "Grave Robbers Novel" the tendency of the creation of commercial impact.

Keywords:"Grave Robbers Novel";transmission network;cultural traditions;“seeking strange” psychology; literary factors


   (一)文学发展的自身因素提供“盗墓小说” 兴盛的良好基础

近几年来“盗墓小说”异军突起,深受读者尤其是广大青少年读者喜爱。以网络小说《鬼吹灯》为代表,开启了一个新的小说“流派”——“盗墓派”。其火爆程度,可见于一连串的数字。“首先该书以网络连载的形式获得了160万惊人的点击数,落地书出版了4本,系列销量目前也已经达到了50万册。”[1] 在随后的两年里,同题材的网络文本如《盗墓笔记》、《盗墓者》、《我在新郑当守陵人》等许多小说相继问世。“盗墓小说”之所以流行红火,顺利挺进图书排行榜的前三位,有很多深层次的原因,主要涉及中国古代文化传统、现代网络传播、民族猎奇心理、文学自身因素等诸多方面。此前,中国古代文学中有盗墓内容的记载,但无专门盗墓题材的文学作品。原因何在?如今的中国图书市场上有关盗墓的文学,主要是盗墓小说层出不穷,盗墓小说进入了“战国时代”,创作活动空前活跃,但同时对“盗墓小说”创作的理论研究则显得较为零星和浮泛。“盗墓小说”创作如何存其精华而剔除糟粕,是中国文学研究应当给出而事实上尚未有较细致,确切答案的课题。

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