

  • 简介:(论文 字数:8884 页数:10)摘要:入世后,中国的经济进一步与国际经济接轨,中国市场成为了国际市场的组成部分。同时经济全球化给中国的中小企业带来了发展的大好机遇但也提出了严峻的挑战。中小企业由于其规模小效益不高,技术人员缺乏,创新能力不强...
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(论文 字数:8884 页数:10)摘要:入世后,中国的经济进一步与国际经济接轨,中国市场成为了国际市场的组成部分。同时经济全球化给中国的中小企业带来了发展的大好机遇但也提出了严峻的挑战。中小企业由于其规模小效益不高,技术人员缺乏,创新能力不强,内部管理不合理且政府政策的不完善,使其对国际化经营的理念不深且困难重重,很多的中小企业力不从心。但是我们可以通过与外商合作,大胆投资,政府支持,企业内部加强等措施使其实现国际化经营,并逐步走向成熟。


Abstract:After entering the WTO, the economy of China is further integrated with international economy, the Chinese market has become an integral part of the international market. While economic globalization has brought to the Chinese SME development opportunity but it also poses a severe challenge. Small and medium-sized enterprises, because of their small size, not high effectiveness, the lack of technical personnel, not strong ability to innovate, internal management and irrational government policies imperfect, the internationalization of their business philosophy is not deep and difficult, many Small and medium-sized enterprises do. But we can cooperate with foreign investors, bold investment, government support measures to strengthen their internal operations to achieve internationalization, and gradually matured.

Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises International management Economic globalization


一 中国中小企业发展现状和国际化经营的必要性
二 中国中小企业国际化经营面临的问题
三 中国中小企业国际化经营的对策

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