

  • 简介:资料包括: 论文( 23页11896字) 开题报告 文献综述 改革开放以来,我国的对外贸易无论在数量上还是在规模上,都取得了长足的进步。但不可否认的是我国对外贸易总体发展水平还不高,尤其是结构比较落后。结构性问题已成为目前困扰我国对外贸易发展的突...
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资料包括: 论文( 23页11896字)   开题报告  文献综述 


【关键词】对外贸易 出口产品结构 比较优势 产业结构


Since the reform and opening up,China's foreign trade has made considerable progress both in quantity and scale. But it can not be denied that the overall development of China's foreign trade level is not high, especially structures. Structural problems has become the outstanding issues which obstruct China's foreign trade. From the angle of empirical studies, we know China's comparative advantages and its profound changes reflect deeply in the structure of external trade issues. Therefore a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis and study on the course of structural changes of China’s foreign trade since reform and opening up are significant meaningful for the judgment and grasp the long-term trends in China's foreign trade, formulate strategies and the development of foreign trade policies. This thesis expounds the structure of China’s export products from three aspects – the changes of export products structure, the relationship among product structure and macro-economic and industrial structure and the factors influencing the changes of products structure. The analysis methods such as graphic interpretation, measurement analysis are used in the thesis to give an understanding of product structure of China's foreign trade.

【key words】 Foreign trade The structure of export products Competitive advantage Industrial structure

目 录
1. 国内外理论研究现状 2
2.中国对外贸易出口产品结构的变化 4
2.1工业制成品出口比重不断上升,且远远高于初级产品 4
2. 2工业制成品中劳动密集型产品出口比重不断下降,资本、技术密集型产品出口比重不断上升 6
2.3机电产品出口比重上升 7
2.4高新技术产品贸易由逆差转为顺差 8
3.中国对外贸易产品结构与宏观经济和产业结构的关系 9
3.1中国对外贸易产品结构变动与经济增长相一致 9
3.2出口产品结构的调整与三大产业结构的调整相结合 13
4.中国对外贸易产品结构变动的影响因素 17
4.1要素结构(资本—劳动比率)的变化 17
4.2 技术进步 17
4.3 外商直接投资 17
5.对外贸易出口产品结构前景 19
参考文献 20
致谢 23

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