

  • 简介:资料包括: 论文( 21页14731字) 摘 要中小企业在各国国民经济中都处于核心地位。欧盟的一位官员曾这样指出,欧盟的经济犹如一条大船,而欧盟的中小企业则是汪洋大海,大海托起大船向前,只要中小企业保持发展,欧盟经济就不会有大问题。正因为中小企业...
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资料包括: 论文( 21页14731字)  

摘 要


[关键词]中小企业 国际竞争力 提升


The medium and small enterprises play a core role in almost every country. One official in EU said that: “the economic of EU is like a huge ship, while the medium and small enterprises of EU are like ocean. The ship can only sail on the ocean. So that the economic of EU would be all right if the medium and small enterprises in EU keep developing well.” Since the medium and small enterprises are so important in every country’s economic, the international competitive capacity directly affect that of a country. Hence, in globalization background, we have to improve the international competitive capacity of the medium and small enterprises in China in order to raise that of the whole country.
This thesis is about the research on present status of international competitive capacity of the medium and small enterprises in China. And it tries to analyze the obstacles or troubles which block them from improving. Then it simply points out that the main problems are: the product competitiveness being too weak; lack of core technology; lack of strategic consciousness; lack of people with ability and so on. Then, it analyzes the way for the medium and small enterprises to improve international competitive capacity after China entering into WTO. The ways should be: constructing core competitiveness, enhancing strategic consciousness, exploring international market, improving innovation ability and so on.

[Keywords] Medium and small enterprises; International competitive ability; Promotion

目 录
1导论 2
1.1选题的意义 2
1.2对有关概念的理解 2
1.3本课题的国内外研究现状 3
1.4本文的主要思路和框架结构 5
2我国中小企业国际竞争力现状分析 5
2.1我国企业国际竞争力的排名情况 5
2.2我国中小企业缺乏国际竞争力的表现及原因 6
3 我国中小企业目前面临的国际国内环境分析 9
3.1国内环境分析 9
3.2国际环境分析 11
4提升我国中小企业国际竞争力的对策 12
4.1加强战略意识 12
4.2开展国际化经营 13
4.3改善企业管理结构 16
4.4提高创新能力 17
参考文献 20
致 谢 21

我国是个中小企业大国。改革开放以来,我国中小企业蓬勃发展。据统计,我国中小企业目前已经超过1000万家,占全部注册企业数的99%,吸收了80%左右的就业,提供了全国外贸出口60%以上的货源,中小企业的总产值、销售收入和利税分别占全国企业的60%、57%和40%左右。 中小企业已经在我国国民经济和对外经贸发展中占据了重要的地位。事实上,无论国家先进还是落后,中小企业在国民经济中都占绝大多数,是一个国家保持国民经济繁荣的基础部门,参见表1.1。

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