

  • 简介:资料包括: 论文( 19页12411字) 摘 要随着中国汽车产业的不断发展,汽车市场竞争的日益激烈,国际化经营成为企业获得更大的生存和发展空间的必由之路。中国自主品牌轿车如何在列强林立的世界汽车市场占得一席之地已经成为国内外学者所热烈讨论和关注的话...
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资料包括: 论文( 19页12411字)

摘 要


【关键词】 自主品牌轿车 国际化经营 营销模式创新


Recent years, Chinese automobile industry is experiencing a high development period. Facing the increasing fierce competition, any automobile enterprise, with determination of surviving and obtaining more development space in the automobile market, has to take internationalization as their market strategy. The topic how Chinese automobile producer survive in the automobile industry which if full of powerful competitors attracts a lot of scholar’s attention and has been widely discussed.
This thesis takes Chery as example, firstly deeply discuss some main concepts’ s definition, such as chinese national independent brand automobile, management of internationalization; marketing mode innovation, and etc. In Chapter1,this thesis provides also an overview of the correlation study in home and abroad. analysing the international marketing situation regarding Chinese own automobile producer, then the problems regarding Chinese automobile in the international marketing are pointed out based on the previous analysis. Finally, conclusions are raised according to above analysis, meanwhile, several relevant advice are put forward for enhancing Chinese own automobile’s capability with regard to innovation of international marketing, Chery which stands for Chinese own brand is mentioned in the case analysis which is about how Chinese automobile enterprise develop the mode innovation of the international marketing.

【Key Words】Chinese National Independent Brand Automobile; Management of internationalization; Marketing mode innovation

目 录
1 导论 2
1.1基本概念界定 2
1.2文献综述 3
1.3论文选题背景及意义 3
1.4 本文布局安排 4
2.我国自主品牌国际化经营现状 4
2.1国际化经营进入的三种模式 4
2.3 国际化发展处于初级阶段 8
3.自主品牌国际化经营中营销存在的问题 8
3.1售后市场不成熟 8
3.2 销售渠道处于劣势 9
3.3 低价策略的弊端 9
3.4 产品附加值较低 10
3.5 市场相对较狭窄 10
4. 问题的解决---国际化经营下自主品牌轿车的营销模式创新 11
4.1 营销理念创新 11
4.2 营销组织创新 12
4.3 营销手段创新 13
5. 案例分析----奇瑞的国际化经营中的营销分析 14
5.1奇瑞的市场开拓----奇瑞与美国“梦幻”的合作 14
5.2奇瑞的OEM----奇瑞与克莱斯勒 15
5.3奇瑞的市场定位----奇瑞在俄罗斯 15
5.4 奇瑞的国际化经营隐患与解决 16
6.总结与启示 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19


1 导论
国际化经营是指企业跨出国界,在海外设立机构,以全球经济为坐标,以世界市场为导向,从事全球性的经营活动 。
国际化经营是指企业的资源转化活动超越了一国国界,即进行商品、劳务、资本等任何形式的经济资源的跨国传递与转化,其真正内涵在于企业的经营视野、经营范围乃至管理水平,真正摆脱国内市场的局限而跨越国界 。
国际化是指企业经营活动与国际经济发生直接联系的过程。国际化是双向的,即包括内向(inward )国际化和外向(outward)国际化两个方面。企业的内向国际化活动包括进口、购买技术专利、与外国企业的合资合作经营、成为外国公司的国内分公司等;外向国际化主要包括出口、许可贸易、国际分包工程、合同安排、合资、合作经营、独资、国际战略联盟等外国 。

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