

  • 简介:资料包括: 论文( 17页10171字) 任务书 开题报告 文献综述 摘 要婺源县“大鄣山”有机茶是有机茶中的佼佼者,它在克服了一系列的诸如农药残留的贸易技术壁垒之后,成功出口欧美市场,并占领了一定的市场份额。在有机茶行业,大鄣...
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资料包括: 论文( 17页10171字)   任务书  开题报告  文献综述 

摘 要


[关键词] 大鄣山有机茶 出口 贸易技术壁垒


"Dazhangshan" organic tea of Wuyuan County is the cream of the crop of organic tea. After it overcomes a series of pesticide residues, such as technical barriers to trade, Europe and the United States successfully export market, and occupied a certain market share. In organic tea industry, Dazhangshan organic tea is world-renowned brand in Wuyuan and even in China.
First and foremost thesis topics of the necessity, that is why since the last century 1980s, when the world tea export is at low ebb, Dazhangshan is able to export a large quantity of organic tea. The second part broadly introduces the definition of organic tea, what is organic tea and the study of organic tea all over the world. The third part makes an overview of the organic tea market, including the world&
#039;s organic tea import and export markets, the development of organic tea, and Wuyuan organic tea’s status quo. The fourth part makes a detailed analysis of the major obstacles to the export of organic tea, especially the various success factors and inadequate, for example, the excellent ecological environment, a good quality assurance system, technical services, overcome technical barriers to trade, and so on. Finally, it makes investigation and analysis in order to further expand the great Dazhangshan organic tea exports, which come up with strategies including the use of fairs, government policies, international certification, for the domestic industry with the future development of a model of successful experience.

[Key Words] Dazhangshan Organic Tea;Exports ;Technical Barriers to Trade

目 录

1引论 2
1.1写作背景和必要性 2
1.2有机茶简介 2
1.3文献综述 3
2 有机茶市场概况 4
2.1 国际有机茶进出口市场 4
2.2中国有机茶市场 5
3 大鄣山有机茶的出口现状 6
3.1产业背景 6
3.2大鄣山有机茶出口状况 8
4 婺源县大鄣山有机茶大量出口的成功之处与不足 9
4.1成功因素 9
4.2不利因素 12
5 大鄣山有机茶进一步扩大出口的对策 13
5.1增加产品的产量 13
5.2 丰富产品的种类 14
5.3 扩大产品的知名度 14
6 大鄣山有机茶对国内同行业的启示 14
7 结论与展望 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17



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