
[组织研究] 网络组织的复杂性研究

  • 简介:我们生活在一个复杂性不断加剧,制度秩序正在消散的世界里。无穷的变化在我们身边发生,我们必须面对混沌的场景,组织科学也要面对混沌的冲击。“将充满交互作用的客观世界描述为一个线性的模式,每个词语仅有一个含义,预测、控制是极其重要的概念”,这...
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目录 1 引言
2 网络组织的含义与特点
3 网络组织的复杂性特征
4 结论 参考资料 1Michael R. Lissack. Complexity –the Science, its Vocabulary, and its Relation to Organization. Emergence, Vol.1, No.1, 1999
2Hatch, M. and Tsoukas, H. Complex Thinking About Organizational Complexity. The Appeal of a Narrative Approach to Organization Theory. Paper Presented at the AMA Meeting in Boston, 1997
3Stacey, R. Complexity and Creativity in Organizations. San Francisco, Berrett Koehler, 1996
4Overman, E. The New Science of Management, Chaos and Quantum Theory and Method. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 6(1),75-89, 1996
5Phelan, S. From Chaos to Complexity in Strategic Planning. Paper Presented to the Academy of Management 55th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1995
6March J. and Simon, H. Organizations, 2nd edition. Oxford, Blackwell Press,1993
7Anderson, P. Call for Papers by Organization Science. posted on the internet. 1996
8Crossan, M.M., R.E. White et al. The Improvising Organization Where Planning Meets the Opportunity. Organization Dynamics, March 1996
9Marshall Van Alstyne. The State of Network Organization: A Survey in Three Frameworks. Journal of Organizational Computing (1997),7(3)
10林润辉,李维安. 网络组织――更具环境适应能力的新型组织模式.南开管理评论,2000.3
11Sabel, C. Moebius-strip Organizations and Open Labor Markets: Some Consequences of the Reintegration of Conception and Execution in a Volatile Economy. In Social Theory for a Changing Society, P. Bairdieu and J.S. Coleman, Editors. 1991,Westview Press: Boulder, CO.pp23-61
12李维安. 知识、信息、网络、创新. 南开管理评论,1998.2
13Jonathan Rosenhead. Complexity Theory and Management Practice. Latest Writing and Papers of Science as Culture, 1998
14McKelvey, W. Thwarting Faddism at the Edge of Chaos: On the Epistemology of Complexity Research. presented at the Workshop on Brussels, Belgium, June8-9,1998
15林润辉等. 基于生存理论的复杂经济系统集成调控.第十界中国系统工程学会年会论文,广州,1998
16L.达夫特著,李维安等译. 组织理论与设计精要.机械工业出版社,1999
复杂性研究学者、组织科学家对复杂科学在管理、组织的中的研究颇感兴趣,这方面的研究方兴未艾,仅1998年就有十几个会议和论坛以复杂性与管理为主题,1999年,关于复杂性与组织管理的电子刊物出版,并组织了几次相关学术会议。SFI也将组织管理复杂性研究作为主要方向之一。Hatch and Tsoukas指出:解释性的组织研究方法经常向传统组织观点提出挑战,并与复杂理论的研究新发现相互呼应[2]。其他一些专家[3][4][5]也指出:复杂系统与组织系统都具有如下的共同特征:A原因与结果之间没有固定联系;B 分形特征:度量结果与所选取刻度有关,概念含义具有不确定性;C 复杂系统在不同的度量尺度间存在循环或递归性质,容易产生迷惑;D 对初值敏感:系统具有不稳定性和易变性; E 系统充满反馈环,具有潜在的分叉点,并遵循突现行为规律。
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