
毕业论文 英语课堂教学中的互动策略

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  毕业论文 英语课堂教学中的互动策略,共23页,6099字
   The ultimate aim of English teaching is to cultivate students’ ability of using English. And in China, the realization of the English teaching goal depends mainly on classroom instruction. English classroom has special features, because it is the most important place for many students to learn English. Language course is a course which is more practical, so good classroom interaction is the best opportunity for students to practice using language, that is to say, classroom interaction is the real process of language classroom teaching. In the process of teaching, a good teacher-learner relationship and a comfortable interactive environment are helpful to the language learning. However, the present language teaching is far from realizing this goal, the effect of classroom interaction is not so ideal. Therefore, how to make the classroom interaction function effectively is a very big problem that needs to be solved. In this essay, the author analyzes the improper interact phenomenon and gives some suggestions on the strategies for the significant classroom interaction.
   Key Words
   English language teaching; classroom interaction; strategies
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