
毕业论文 敏感的文化元素——浅谈中外青春期性教育

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  毕业论文 敏感的文化元素——浅谈中外青春期性教育,共24页,6935字
   Sex — one natural physiological tendency of human. As one kind of information culture, sex education has its own special importance in the process of human’s development. Though many scholars and experts have recognized and pointed out the necessity of sex education for youth, China still can not be as open and daring as some foreign countries.
   Adolescence is the most important stage in human’s life. Once the youths in those ages can not get the correct and scientific sex knowledge, they are easy to destroy themselves more or less and can not protect themselves from others. However, in people’s mind, sex is the personal intimacy, and they are always feeling shy and embarrassed when talking about sex. So, carrying out sex education should start by changing people’s unenlightened concepts and making them know it is a science and necessary knowledge for youths’ healthy upgrowth. Scientific adolescent sex education will not only make the youths’ communication more unaffected, and the scientific sex knowledge can help them to protect themselves, and even can reduce some social problems in sex morality and sex delict in adolescence.
   Key Words
   Sex; sex education; impressible; important
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