

  • 简介:(毕业设计 页数:36 字数:11818 图纸 任务书 开题报告 ) 摘 要:当今社会的进步和发展,使原有的商品已经不能满足人们对物质的需求,然而有些商品的制造必须依靠模具才能够生产加工出来,因此,模具的发展与人们的生活关系越来越紧密,如我们使用的...
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冲压模具毕业设计-支架连接板连续模设计  页数:36 字数:11818    图纸 任务书 开题报告 )

摘 要:当今社会的进步和发展,使原有的商品已经不能满足人们对物质的需求,然而有些商品的制造必须依靠模具才能够生产加工出来,因此,模具的发展与人们的生活关系越来越紧密,如我们使用的电脑、手机、汽车等产品都要依靠模具。模具种类繁多,加工模具的方法也是多种多样的。有锻造模、热锻模、冷锻模、金属挤压模、其它造模、压力铸造模、低压铸造模、失蜡铸造模、翻金属模、粉末冶金模、冲模等。在本次毕业设计中我选择的是支架连接板的设计,冲压模具主要是将板料分离或成形而得到制件的加工方法。因为模具的生产主要是大批量的生产,不但要保证冲压产品的尺寸精度,产品质量稳定,而且在加工中不破坏产品表面。

关键词:支架连接板 级进模 设计

Abstact:The design of the plank for connect nog cold pressing mould produce.Designer : sun yong ,grade 2004, polytechnic college of hunan normal university ,major in mechanical manufacture techniques and education.
Nowadays, as the advancement and development of the world, made merchandise of the inhere couldn't fulfil the needs of people.however, some manufacture of the some merchandise need mould to made of, therefore, the evolution of mould more and more tightness with living of people, according to computer handset auto and so on manufacture we use all need depend on mould. There are many variety variety, the method of machining is also manifold and multiplicity. There is mould of forging, mould of heat forging, mould of cold forge, mould of extrusion metal, etc.In this design of graduate,I choice the plank for connect nog cold pressing mould produce,pressing the mould is mostly made material breakaway or figuration get hold of piece method of machining. Because,the manufacture of mould is mostly large quantities of produce,not only guarantee quality of production,but also guarantee precision of production quality of stabilization, further more donot destroy stability of manufacture`s quality.
We not only will consider made the part hardware,but also guarantee natural life of used.In this graduate design, it is primary considering the practicality work circumstance and task must be accomplished. Through the design I deeply realized how to exertion knowledge we learned into practice,some problem we should pay attention to,made myself have more comprehend at mould ofcold pressing. This design of graduate is the plank for connect nog cold pressing mould produce it is simpleness in configuration, symmetrical in figure, small bulk,light avoirdupois,and convenience cold punch. Some adoption this design, conventional and modern way to integrate,CAD and example design be based upon and so on.

Keywords: plank for connect nog pressing mould design

目 录
前 言………………………………………………………………1
第一章 概 论……………………………………………………2
1.1 选题的背影及目的…………………………………………2
1.2 模具工业的发展现状及市场前景…………………………2
1.3 国内外的研究动态…………………………………………3
1.4 我国冲压行业存在的阻力…………………………………4
第二章 工艺性分析及工艺方案确定 ……………………………6
2.1 工艺性分析……………………………………………………6
2.2工艺方案确定 …………………………………………………7
第三章 冲压工艺计算 ……………………………………………9
3.1凸模和凹模分别加工时的尺寸的计算 ………………………9
3.2 冲裁工作的排样方式及其计算………………………………12
3.6 卸料橡胶的设计………………………………………………15
第四章 确定各工序模具种类及型式……………………………16
4.1 凸模组件及其结构设计………………………………………16
4.2凹模设计 ……………………………………………………20
4.3凸模与凹模的固定 …………………………………………21
4.4卸料部件的设计 ……………………………………………22
4.5定位零件的设计 ……………………………………………22
4.6导料板的设计 ………………………………………………22
4.7模架及其它零部件设计 ……………………………………22
4.8、模具零件加工工艺 ………………………………………23
第五章 模具的装配及确定冲压设备 …………………………24
5.1模具总装配图 ………………………………………………24
5.2冲压设备的选定 ……………………………………………26
5.3装模与试模 …………………………………………………27
第六章 模具经济性分析………………………………………32
6.1、影响模具的价格因素 ……………………………………29
6.2、模具价格的计算 …………………………………………30
结 论……………………………………………………………34

前 言

(冲压模具毕业设计-支架连接板连续模设计 页数:36 字数:11818 图纸 任务书 开题报告 )


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