

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:12 字数:14123) 摘 要:信息是现代企业市场竞争中的焦点,企业需在复杂的社会经济环境下求生存、谋发展、获取竞争优势,就必须有切实可行的信息作保障。秘书部门是企业的辅助部门,是领导的助手。是企业秘书部门的信息工作的重要职责...
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(毕业论文 页数:12 字数:14123)

摘 要:信息是现代企业市场竞争中的焦点,企业需在复杂的社会经济环境下求生存、谋发展、获取竞争优势,就必须有切实可行的信息作保障。秘书部门是企业的辅助部门,是领导的助手。是企业秘书部门的信息工作的重要职责,它是企业领导决策的基础、是企业与公众沟通的桥梁、是提高企业经济效益和竞争力的手段。当前企业秘书部门对信息收集、加工处理、传递的能力还不能跟上信息的超速发展,一些企业存在秘书人员信息意识淡薄、信息利用率低、信息存储方式不合理、信息存储载体单一、保密措施不完善等问题,对爆炸式的信息资源不能及时、有针对性地收集,对已经收集的信息不能充分、有效地利用,阻碍了企业的发展。针对这些问题,秘书部门在信息工作中应遵循时效性、积极主动、实事求是和信息选优的原则,提高信息活动的广度和深度,同时,企业秘书人员要充分发挥自身职能,进一步增强信息意识、坚持信息创新、提高信息处理能力并重视办公自动化。只有这样,才能在信息工作中做到“游刃有余”,利用现代化手段快速获取和开发信息资源,并传递信息,在有效的时间和空间内更好地为领导决策服务。


Abstract:Information is the modern enterprise market competition of the focus,Enterprises need in a complex socio-economic environment for the survival and development and access to competitive advantage,it must be practical information for security. Secretary of the department is supporting enterprise sector,it is the assistant. Secretary of business information sector is an important duty, It is the basis for decision-making enterprise leaders, Enterprise is a bridge of communication with the public, Is to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises and competitiveness of the means. Secretary of the enterprise sector to collect information, Processing, Transmission capacity can not keep up with the speeding development of information, There secretarial staff, some enterprises have a weak sense of Information, Low utilization of information, Information storage means unreasonable, Information storage issues such as a single carrier, not secreatly. The explosion of information resources can not be timely, Targeted collection, On the information collected has not fully, Effective use, hindered the development of enterprises. In light of these problems, Secretary of work in the information sector to be followed in the timeliness of, Proactive and seeking truth from facts and information to the principle Selection, Improve the information activities of the breadth and depth of. At the same time Secretary of corporate officers should give full play to their functions, enhance the awareness of information, Adhere to information innovations, to enhance the information processing capability and the importance of office automation. Only in this way can the information work be good, The use of modern means of rapid acquisition and development of information resources,And transmission of information, the effective time and space, leading to better decision-making services.

Key word:Enterprises; Secretary of departments; Information; Information Work




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