

  • 简介:(毕业论文 字数:5824 页数:9 带图纸 计算书)摘要:根据高层民用建筑设计防火规范及自动喷水灭火系统设计规范,对深圳市创业大厦首层至屋面进行消防给水工程设计。通过分析及设计计算,确定该大厦消火栓给水系统分为高低两个区,管网布置成环状,在室外...
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(毕业论文 字数:5824 页数:9 带图纸 计算书)摘要:根据高层民用建筑设计防火规范及自动喷水灭火系统设计规范,对深圳市创业大厦首层至屋面进行消防给水工程设计。通过分析及设计计算,确定该大厦消火栓给水系统分为高低两个区,管网布置成环状,在室外设有六套水泵接合器,当室内消防水量不足时由消防车通过水泵接合器供水;自动喷淋灭火系统采用独立的湿式自动喷水灭火系统,在系统的每根立管底部各设一组湿式报警阀,室外也设两套水泵接合器。本设计能确保大厦的消防安全。


Design about Fire Water Supply from the First Floor to Roof of Chuangye Building in Shenzhen
Abstract: The design about the Fire fighting and water supply from the first floor to the roof of Chuangye building is carried out according to the high-rise civil building design code specifications and automatic sprinkler system design code specifications in Shenzhen. Through analysis and calculate ,the building’s fire hydrant and water supply system is divided into high and low parts, and its network layout in a circle. There are six pump adapters located outside the building. When the water is insufficient, the fire trucks can supply water by the water pump adapter. The independent wet pipe system is used in sprinkler system, There are should be a set of wet model alarm at the bottom of every pipe, and two pump adapters located outside the building,. This design will ensure fire safety of the building.

Key words: fire hydrant system; automatic sprinkler system; wet pipe system

1 前言
1.1 工程概况
本设计为深圳市创业大厦给排水及消防工程设计,该大厦的占地面积为18578m2,总建筑面积为52759 m2,建筑高度为94.9m,共24层,地下1层,地上23层。其中,地下负一层和平时期为停车场,发生战争时则为人防场所,1~3层是大型商场,4层为管道设备层,5~23为写字楼。
1.2 设计任务

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