

  • 简介:皮带抽油机滚筒焊接及优化(完整一套设计,有说明书:论文,图纸) 端盖内盘.dwg 端盖外盘.dwg 端盖组件.dwg 滚筒.dwg 滚筒和轴总成.dwg 滚筒轴.dwg 筋板.dwg 开题报告.doc 论文.doc 目录.doc 摘要.doc 轴承盖.dwg 轴承座.dwg 目录绪论 &...
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绪论    ························································  1
第一章   皮带抽油机的简单介绍 
1.1   我国油田采油现状·······································   5
1.2   Rotaflex皮带抽油机抽油系统的特点····················   5
1.3   Rotaflex皮带抽油机的基本结构及原理··················  6
1.4   Rotaflex皮带抽油机的现场应用 ··························9
第二章  焊接概述
2.1   焊接的基本概念·······································  11
2.2   电弧焊 ·················································  12
2.3   电阻焊·················································  26
2.4   高能束焊··············································  28
2.5   钎焊 ··················································  29
2.6   其它焊接方法 ·········································  30
第三章  焊接技术的新发展
3.1   焊接生产率 ············································  33
3.2   焊接机械化和自动化  ··································  33
3.3   焊接过程自动化和智能化  ······························  34
3.4   新兴工业的发展 ········································  34
3.5   热源的研究与开发  ····································· 35
3.6   节能技术  ·············································· 35
第四章  焊接优化选择
4.1   产品特点   ············································  36
4.2   生产条件   ············································  39
4.3   焊条选用   ············································  41
4.4   焊缝布置方法  ·········································  41
4.5   焊接应力与变形   ······································ 42
4.6   焊接方案确定   ········································  44
谢辞      ····················································  47
参考文献    ·················································   48

1、 收集资料;
2、 对所收集到的资料进行整理、归类;
3、 对现有的焊接方法进行系统分析、比较;
4、 根据现有的条件确定几种可行的焊接方案;
5、 对焊接方案进行综合分析评价,确定出最优化的焊接方案。





This topic first from introduced the pumping unit enters the topic, introduced the pumping unit compatibility, the reliability, the efficiency , then introduced our country develops in recent years five kinds of 47 kind of models new pumping units and overseas development new pumping unit direction. As well as the victory plateau company produces leather belt pumping unit basic structure, principle, characteristic and field application situation. Key carries on the optimization to the leather belt pumping unit drum welding method. Has carried on the detailed analysis to the existing all weldings method. Including the arc welding, the resistance welding, the high energy welded, the rock drill welds four big kind of weldings methods and other eight special weldings method has carried on the detailed analysis. Which from the basic concept, the welding step, the welding principle, the welding apparatus, the welding adapt scope and so on. Finally carries on the optimized design to the leather belt pumping unit crown drum welding method. The main development work has following several aspects:
1    Data collection;
2    To collects the material carries on the reorganization, the classification to;
3    Carries on the system analysis, the comparison to the existing welding method;
4    The basis existing condition determines several kind of feasible weldings plans;
5   The butt weld plan carries on the generalized analysis appraisal, determines the optimization the welding plan.
One good welding method on the one hand may reduce the cost, the frugal material, the enhancement welding efficiency, on the other hand also may enhance product itself the reliability, the security, to lengthens the product the life to play to the positive role.
Key word: Leather belt;pumping unit drum ;welding optimization

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