

  • 简介:目 录 第一章 建筑结构设计概述 第一节 建筑工程概况··············&middot...
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第一章  建筑结构设计概述

第一节 建筑工程概况·················································1

第二节 结构方案设计·················································2

第二章  抗震设计

第一节 构件做法及标准荷载计算·······································6

第二节 框架分层计算重力荷载 ·······································9

第三节 横向框架侧移刚度计算········································14

第四节 横向框架自振周期计算········································15

第五节 横向水平地震作用计算和变形侧移计算··························16

第六节 水平地震作用下KJ-2框架内力计算····························19

第三章 竖向荷载作用下框架KJ-2的内力计算

第一节 恒荷载计算··················································25

第二节 恒荷载作用下弯矩、梁剪力及跨中最大弯矩计算··················32

第三节 活载满跨布置计算············································43

第四节 活载满跨布置时弯矩、梁剪力及跨中最大弯矩计算················47

第五节 KJ-2梁剪力、柱轴力、剪力计算·······························55

第四章  KJ-2梁、柱内力组合

第一节  内力组合的说明·············································57

第二节  内力组合过程···············································60

第五章 KJ-2梁柱截面设计

第一节  框架梁的截面设计···········································63

第二节  框架柱截面设计·············································69

第六章 纵向框架设计计算

第一节  恒荷载及活荷载计算········································73

第二节  恒载(活载)作用的弯矩剪力计算······························76

第三节  纵向框架配筋计算···········································82

第七章  楼梯设计······················································87

第八章  基础设计

第一节  基础设计说明··············································93

第二节  基础截面尺寸确定··········································93

第三节  基础梁内力计算············································95

第四节  基础的配筋计算············································99

第九章  现浇楼板设计、连系梁设计

第一节  双向楼板设计计算··········································103

第二节  二层连续单向板和连系梁设计计算····························106


附表 ··································································111










This thesis deals with the design of a frame-structured synthetical building.The main body of the building is of five stories .The structure is engineered to the maintain architectural form, including big rooms and the most weight is loaded on the lateral frame . The total height of the building is 19.6m. Since the building is located in the earthquake area of  grade(0.15g) , the third earthquake resistance design is carried on.

The whole design procedure consists of the architectural and the structural design .In the architectural design , the service function is the most important factor of determining each floor plan , while the consideration of aesthetics is also included. Totally 13 architectural drawings are finished. In the structural analysis, the loads (such as the vertical dead load , live load and the horizontal earthquake load etc) and the internal forces under the action of loads as well as the reinforcement in the members (such as beam column plate stair) and strip foundation etc. are calculated. Except for the written calculation in this thesis, the software PKPM is also used to perform the whole procedure of structural design (both calculation and plotting of the structure working drawings ). Totally 19 structural drawings are finished.

Key Words: architectural design , structural design , frame structure


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