

  • 简介: 摘 要 网络监听一般是指针对局域网的监听技术,在网络中,当信息进行传播的时候,如果将网络接口设置在监听的模式,可以将正在传播的信息截获,从而实现网络监听。常见的监听技术分别对应了局域中的两种连接设备:hub和swith。对于用hu...
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   网络监听一般是指针对局域网的监听技术,在网络中,当信息进行传播的时候,如果将网络接口设置在监听的模式,可以将正在传播的信息截获,从而实现网络监听。常见的监听技术分别对应了局域中的两种连接设备:hub和swith。对于用hub连接的局域网。数据包是向所有主机发送的。对包的选择完全由各主机的以太网卡决定。正常情况下网卡会忽略与自己MAC地址不符的包.但如果网卡工作在“混杂” 模式,它就不会忽略这些包。嗅探器就是工作在这种状态下。对于用swith连接的局域网。这种技术就不管用了,而要用一种ip欺骗的技术。对于ip欺骗,暂不做具体分析。




关键词:网络监听 ;数据捕获;混杂模式;以太网 








The network sniff is generally the indicator to the local area network monitor technology, in network, when the information carries on disseminates, if the network connection establishes in the sniff pattern, it may make the information interception which disseminates, thus realization network monitor.The network sniff is difference to use two kinds of link equipments within LAN: Hub and swich. For LAN that use the conjunction of hub. The data pack is to sends out to all hosts .The choice completely from each host net card decision. On normal circumstance, bottom net card would pack neglecting out of accordance with oneself MAC address. but if the net card works at" promiscuous" mode, it can't neglect these packs. Sniffer machine works to under this kind of appearance .For LAN that use the conjunction of swith. This kind of technique ignored to use, but can use a kind of  technique that IP cheat. Cheat to the IP. Do not do the concrete analysis temporary.

This thesis was detailed to discuss the everyone that author study in period of bachelor's degree thesis work, to the network sniff and information withdraw technical research, primarily is around design an sniffer for being applicable to applied hub local area net .This text discuss network sniff technique and its realms all first, introducing basic principle, present condition and classical tools , explaining the main mission, meaning of this design with the result that an expectation attain; Close behind, detailed introduced to design the formation of the project with the method of solution between the problem of each mold of entity  met in process Introduced the frame of the whole of the entity finally with each parts of functions and source code. While relating to design the project formation, it main outstanding for target an every kind of strategy, method for adopting with technique.

Key wordsnetwork snifferdata capture promiscuous mode Ethernet




1  绪论·· 1

1.1 网络监听技术简介······ 1

1.2 网络监听的原理·········· 1

1.3 常用的网络监听工具·· 3

1.4 本课题的主要内容······ 4

1.5 本课题的必要性和可行性·········· 4

2 网络相关基础及开发工具介绍·················· 6

2.1 ISO参考模型·· 6

2.2 TCP/IP参考模型·· 7

2.2.1 TCP/IP的分层·· 8

2.2.2 封装·· 8

2.2.3 分用·· 8

2.3.1 前台开发工具VC++.NET简介· 12

2.3.2 MFC简介············ 12

2.4本章小结···· 12


3 协议数据报分析及Winsock编程· 14

3.1常见数据协议报分析···· 14

3.1.1以太网的封装格式 14

3.1.2 IP首部 15

3.1.3 TCP的首部 16

3.1.4 UDP首部 17

3.1.5 ICMP报文 18

3.2 WINSOCK技术 19

3.2.1 Windows Sockets 简介 20

3.2.2  套接口函数         23

3.3 本章小结···· 25


4 网络监听程序的设计方案························ 26

4.1基于winpcap的监听程序设计 26

4.1.1 网络数据捕获的基本方法 26

4.1.2 网络监听系统的基本结构 27

4.1.3 一个winpcap写的监听程序主要代码: 31

4.2 基于WinSock2的网络监听程序设计········ 34

4.2.1 设计思路 34

4.3 实现方法···· 35

4.3.1 WSASocket函数建立套接字 36

4.3.2 得到当前网卡配置的IP地址 36

4.3.3 绑定地址 38

4.3.4 调用WSAIoctl函数设置接收属性 38

4.3.5 调用WSAReev函数接收数据报 39

4.4本章小结···· 40


5  使用Visual C++.Net 41

5.1监听程序的界面············ 41

5.2 程序的实现 41

5.2.1 定义相关协议的结构和宏 45

5.2.2 协议名称的数组和得到协议名称的函数 46

5.2.3 对话框的初始化函数OnInitDialog 50

5.2.4 两个消息处理函数 54

5.2.5 监听线程函数——threadFunc 61

5.3本章小结········ 61

结论················ 62

参考文献········ 63

致谢················ 64



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