

  • 简介:摘要:本音像租赁管理系统是以Visual Fox Pro 6.0为开发工具来制作完成的。有了该系统可以使目前的手工音像管理工作大为改观。目前,音像管理人员在租借音像制品时,要经历登记、查找等枯燥的手工操作,这种操作既繁琐又不精确,许多记录不便长期保留。本...
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摘要本音像租赁管理系统是以Visual Fox Pro 6.0为开发工具来制作完成的。有了该系统可以使目前的手工音像管理工作大为改观。目前,音像管理人员在租借音像制品时,要经历登记、查找等枯燥的手工操作,这种操作既繁琐又不精确,许多记录不便长期保留。本设计将改变目前这种局面,它以目前界面最为友好、使用最为方便的WINDOWS XP为操作系统,并可以让管理人员轻松自如地通过鼠标与键盘的简单敲击,来完成浏览、查询、租借/归还、信息的增加、删除、修改等工作并且根据现今的音像租赁市场的具体情况,增加了会员功能,真正实现音像租借管理自动化,大大提高工作效率。


关键词音像租赁, Windows XP,  Visual Fox Pro 6.0,会员



The Multi-media Renting Management System

AbstractThe Multi-media Renting Management System is developed with Visual Fox Pro 6.0. With the help of this system, it would be a lot easier for stores to manage there stock. When clerks handle rents, they have to add or search records by hand. The operation is complicated and inaccurate. Most of the records are hard to keep for a long period of time. My design aims at changing this situation. It uses the Windows XP operation system, which is the friendliest and most easy-to-use OS you can find. It allows clerks and managers to browse and search for records, keep track of rent/return records, and add, modify or delete records. And all this is done through a few clicks of the mouse and a few punches on the keyboard. To best suit the multi-media renting market, I’ve also added VIP management to the system. This system enables the automation of multi-media renting management, and greatly increased the efficiency.

Key Words Multi-media renting, Windows XP, Visual Fox Pro 6.0, VIP




音像租赁管理系统... 1

第一章:绪论... 4

第二章:Visual FoxPro简介... 5

2.1 FOXPRO的主要特点... 5

2.2  Visual FoxPro 6.0 的关键特性... 6

第三章:音像租赁管理系统... 8

3.1  系统总体设计... 8

3.2数据库设计... 9

结束语... 21

致谢... 22

参考文献... 23

附录... 24


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