

  • 简介:目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………… 1 Abstract ……………………………………………………………… 2第一章 引言……………………………………………………… 3 1.1 Java事件处理机制的介绍…...
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摘要…………………………………………………………………       1

Abstract ……………………………………………………………… 2第一章   引言………………………………………………………         3

         1.1 Java事件处理机制的介绍……………………………………………     3

        1.1.1 一些基本概念………………………………………………………………   3

         1.1.2 几种常见的事件……………………………………………………………     4

        1.1.3 处理事件的过程……………………………………………………………     4

     1.2 串行通信中的事件…………………………………………………………  4        

第二章 串行通信的基本知识………………………………    6

第三章Java在串行通讯方面的技术………………………       7

    3.1 RS232通讯基础…………………………………………………………     7

3.2安装Java Communications API………………………………………   8

     3.3通讯前的准备……………………………………………………………     9

     3.4 Comm API基础…………………………………………………………     9

        3.4.1 串行端口事件类:Class SerialPortEvent……………………………   9

         3.4.2 CommPortIdentifier类………………………………………………… 10

        3.4.3 CommPort类…………………………………………………………     12

         3.4.4 SerialPort类………………………………………………………  14

第四章 串口全双工通信应用研究……………………    18

    4.1运行环境………………………………………………………………   18

     4.2工具准备……………………………………………………………         18

     4.3具体程序………………………………………………………………   18

     4.4调试过程………………………………………………………………   24

第五章 结束语………………………………………………   25

参考文献……………………………………………………    26




计算机专业001班周策         指导教师  詹国华


随着信息技术的发展以及计算机网络的广泛使用。计算机通信技术越来越成熟。在众多通信实现方案中,串行通行技术作为一种灵活、方便、可靠的通信手段,有着广泛的应用。尤其是在工业控制领域,微机与微机、微机与外设、微机与分布式下位机等都可以通过RS232串性端口互连通信,以实现控制和传输数据等目的。Java 语言因具有平台无关性、 安全、 易于使用、易于理解、易获得免费资源等优点而受到众多用户的欢迎。它在网络上的出色表现已经有目共睹,本文要研究的是如何使用Java语言利用串行端口实现通信。


关键词: 串行通信;分布式控制;通信应用程序接口;事件机制 





Java Serial Communication and Application Research


Along with the technical of communication development and the extensive usage of calculator network.The calculator communication technique is more and more mature. In numerous communication realize project, serial communication technique is used as a kind of vivid, convenience, dependable, have got the extensive application. especially ,computer with computer, computer with peripheral equipment,computer and single-chip microcomputer can pass the RS232 port to communicate with each other and communication data in industry realm.The language of Java suffer to numerous customers welcome because of have the system irrelevant, safety, apt to the usage and apt to comprehend, easy winning free resources etc. It is on the network of the outstanding performance is already obvious to all, this text wants to study of is a control that the language of Java make use of how to the first floor a port realizes communication.This text introduces to settle a dispute first event mechanism has something to do with a correspondence of knowledge, then still introduced the Java a communication agreement development a Commapi packet inside a few and main a correspondence with connect Field Summary, Constructor Summary, Constructor Summary.And give some class which can pass COM1, COM2 to realize full duplex communicate.

Keywords:serial Communication、Distributed control、Communications API、event mechanism      





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