
[概况] Survey of Modern English Word

  • 简介: 原文 Survey of Modern English Word-FormationI. What Is the English Word-Formation.English language has developed with the process of the human society all the time. The out- date of some old words means that we need to create...
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Survey of Modern English Word-Formation
I. What Is the English Word-Formation.
English language has developed with the process of the human society all the time. The out- date of some old words means that we need to create some new words to catch up with our demands, while the coinage of new words, to a large extent has conformed with some grammatical principles and has some rules in it .So, the continuous consummation and development of language " replacing the old with the new " has behaved a kind of principle named "word- formation".
II. Why Do We Study English Word-Formation.
Why do we study English word- formation?


I. What Is English Word-Formation
II. Why Do We Study English Word-Formation
1.By understanding the structure of the word we can consolidate what we have learned.
2.It will help us to master the deep denotation of the word.
3.We can master the ability of using words and creating words.
III. How the English Word Are formed
1.The Morphological Rules of Word Formation
2. Other Ways To Form Words
2.1 Conversion
2.2 Clipping:
2.3 Back-Formation
2.4 Blends
2.5 Onomatopoeia.
IV. Conclusions


1.陈林华, “An Introduction To Linguistics”, 吉林大学出版社,1999
2.胡状麟, “Linguistics. A Course Book”, 北京大学出版社,2001
3.Ingo Plag, “English Word -Formation”, Cambridge University Press 2003
4.Johannes Klass, “English Word -Formation”, Cologne University, English Seminar,1997
5. Laurie Bauer,“ English Word -Formation”, Cambridge University Press 2001

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