
[世界文学] “Modest” is Really Modest?——Analysi..

  • 简介: 原文 I.IntroductionThe eighteenth century in English literature is an age of prose, because the prose is extremely good. The supreme master in the first part is Jonathan Swift. Swift is adept at Parody. In his age, the Englis...
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The eighteenth century in English literature is an age of prose, because the prose is extremely good. The supreme master in the first part is Jonathan Swift. Swift is adept at Parody. In his age, the English took charge of Ireland. These invaders controlled all the political and economic fields of Ireland, just as described —— “the English are devouring the Irish”. Industries were nearly in the state of palsy and peasants were forced to separate from farmlands. Economic growth was running down steeply. No growth in fact! Swift was eagerly concerned to the social conditions. And took actions by means of giving effective and efficient suggestions against the English policy towards the Irish. However, these suggestions were ignored by the upper class with consideration of their own huge profits. Therefore swift had a dark view of Irish society and human nature. Although his proposal had never been adopted, he turned to write to attack sharply on the political arena and fiercely on the war policies. Among all his satirical works, a Modest Proposal is a typical example of Swift’s favorite satiric devices used with superb effect.


II.What is Irony
III.Irony in a Modest Proposal.
IV. Conclusion


1. 英语修辞与写作 上海外国语教育出版社.黄征
2.The short Oxford History of English literature. Andrew Sanders. Oxford University Press,1994
3. A new concise History of English literature. 张定铨、吴刚著 上海外语教育出版社 2002
4.The Eighteenth Century Novel, John Richetti, Cambridge University Press, 1998

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