
[英语文化交流] 国际贸易中的跨文化交流

  • 简介: 原文 1. Introduction In the 20s-30s, the study of cross-culture communication has drawn interest in U.S.A. It focuses on the problems arising from communication between people of different cultural backgrounds and how to solv...
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1. Introduction
In the 20s-30s, the study of cross-culture communication has drawn interest in U.S.A. It focuses on the problems arising from communication between people of different cultural backgrounds and how to solve them .Economists,sociologists,cultural linguists, and experts all turned their attention to this field of study. Learning such abilities of cross-culture communication as how to greet people and how to choose topics etc. helps to explain what happens during the communication in every arae especially in international business ......


1. Introduction
2. Conceptions of Culture, Communication and Cross-culture Communication
3. The Pattern of Cross-culture Communication
4. Cultural Factors:


1. Brown, Gillian,《Cultural Values: The Interpretation of Discourse》, ELT Journal ,P44
2. Dexin, Wang “Pragmatic Problems in Inter-cultural Communication”,
3. Weicheng, Chu “The compliment formula”, 《外国语》,1990,1
4. Wenzhong ,Hu Guides and Principles for the Consultant in Cross-cultural Assistance,
《Inter-cultural communication & English learning》,
Shanghai Publishing house,1988
5. Yuxin, Jia 《The Study of Inter-cultural Communication》, Chapter 2, P28,P39, P68
Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Publishing House, 1997
6. 关世杰,《跨文化交流学-- 提高涉外交流能力的学问》,P40,第二章第四节,
7. 李先昆,“文化语言学-- 一个新的研究领域”,《语言文字应用》,1992年第2 期
8. 浦小君,“外语教学与跨文化交际技能”,《外语界》,1992年第二期
9. 王秉钦,“论东西方思维方法差异及其翻译”,《外语教学》,1992年第4期
10. 王宗炎,“自我认识与跨文化交际”,《外语教学与研究》,1991年第1期
11. 杨藻镜,“第二语言教学中的语言对比与文化对比”,

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