
毕业设计 基于AT89C52单片机的超声波测距仪设计

  • 简介:毕业设计-基于单片机的超声波测距仪设计,共45页,16257字,附外文翻译、答辩PPT、程序,摘 要,在空气介质中,超声测距传感器因其性能好,价格低廉、使用方便。在现场机器人定位系统、车辆自动导航、车辆安全行驶辅助系统、城市交通管理和高
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    资料包括:论文 程序 外文翻译 答辩稿   
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摘 要

In the air medium, ultrasonic distance sensor because of its good performance, low cost, easy to use. In the scene robot positioning system, automatic vehicle navigation,vehicle safety driving assistance systems, urban traffic management and highway management monitoring systems, as well as rivers, wells and storage and material level of detection in both applications. Because of ultrasonic wave propagation less susceptible to interference, energy consumption slow propagation in the medium distance, thus often used for ultrasonic distance measurement, such as range finders and level measurement and so can be achieved by ultrasound. To this end, in-depth study of the generation and propagation of ultrasound, the development of high-performance ultrasonic transducer and transceiver circuit for the development of ultrasonic detection technology has a very important practical significance. This paper describes a non-contact ultrasonic ranging system using single-chip design software control, the system air ultrasonic propagation velocity to determine the conditions tested using reflection of ultrasonic distance measurement. Introduces the theoretical basis of the development process of ultrasonic testing and ultrasonic ranging system, and on this basis, the proposed system design, and outlines the characteristics of ultrasonic sensors away from the study of the transmitting and receiving ultrasonic sensor circuit. In the process of research papers on various parts of the circuit and system experiments were carried out experiments show that the main waveform and technical indicators have reached the design requirements. The system has a simple hardware structure, low cost, reliable, clear flow, high precision, and real-time display of distance. Limited range of the distance measurement with high accuracy and reliability.
Key words: Ultrasonic sensors, distance measurement, microprocessor, circuit

第一章 绪论 6
1.1 研究背景和意义 6
1.2 本领域的研究历史与现状 7
1.3 课题的主要内容 8
1.4 本章小结 8
第二章 超声波测距原理与单片机简介 9
2.1 超声波测距原理 9
2.1.1超声波概述 9
2.1.2 超声波传感器原理及特性 9
2.1.3 超声测距原理 12
2.1.4 超声波换能器 13
2.2 单片机概述 14
2.2.1 单片机定义 14
2.2.2单片机组成及应用 15
2.2.3 AT89C52简介及性能指标 16
2.3 本章小结 18
第三章 超声波测距系统设计 19
3.1电路工作原理及设计 19
3.2 超声波测距系统的工作过程 19
3.3 系统整体图 20
3.4 超声波发射电路 22
3.5 数码管限流电路 23
3.6 数码管驱动电路 24
3.7 超声波指示电路 25
3.8 超声波接收电路 25
3.9 本章小结 26
第四章 系统软件结构 27
4.1 系统软件介绍 27
4.1.1 Proteus软件 27
4.1.2 Kiel编程软件 28
4.2 主程序 28
4.2.1 超声波发生子程序 29
4.2.2超声波检测子程序 30
4.2.3超声波中断子程序 30
4.3 本章小结 31
第五章 设计成果分析及改进 32
5.1 设计过程及分析 32
5.2 误差分析及改进措施 33
第六章 总结与展望 34
参考文献 35
致谢 37
附录 38
源程序代码 38



  • 毕业设计-基于AT89C52单片机的超声波测距仪设计
  • 杨硕
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