
毕业设计 车载空气净化器下壳塑料模具设计

  • 简介:毕业设计-车载空气净化器下壳塑料模具设计,共27页,14971字,附设计图纸、任务书、开题报告等,塑件的表面质量包括表面粗糙度和表观质量。塑件表面粗糙度的高低,主要与模具型腔表面的粗糙度有关。塑件应有一定的厚度才能满足使用时的
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    资料包括:论文 图纸 任务书 开题报告   
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4. 设计计算说明书的格式按指导老师要求,页面为A4;
5. 要求图纸总工作量不少于3张零号图,设计说明书不少于15000字。
Abstract:, Taking a trip early in the necessary pileup, the automobile has become our house to reside , along with life the exaltation of the level. However at the time of enjoying the convenient of automobile, we are also suffering with the air pollution of automobile as a result in healthily of endanger . according to this phenomenon , It’s time to choose the car to carry the design of the air cleaner and its outer shell molding tool .
Plastic industry grows to one of quickest industry classes in the world today, but casts the mold is developing quickly. therefore , the research of casting the mold to understand the plastic product the production process and improves the product quality takes a very big significance. Over the past decades, the promotion and the actual using are improved with the gradual introduction and improvement of a high level of commercial software,along with CAD technology of injection mold in the ongoing theoretical and experimental research. With great attention on the practical stage, This design introduced the injection taking the shape of basic principle. dividing from the profile to inject the mold, the structure and the principle of work , casting the product to propose the basic principle of design is especially single; Introduced in detail, the injection evil spirit mold of cold flow channel pours the system, the temperature which has given the explanation to request of the mold intensity controls the system and goes against the system of design process; Meanwhile, choosing to have the side to take out the heart organization and take off the product of the thread organization to achieve the design of molding tool manufacturing under the improvement are in the design of molding tool. Its appropriate difficulty of increment to take off the thread organization to adopt the wheel gear and take off the thread method to give the realization.
Through this design , casting the mold to have a preliminary understanding , noting in the certain detail question of design and understanding the mold structure and the principle of work are possible. This design not only reinforces my expertise ability and problem solving skills, but also laid a good foundation for me to go to work.
Key words:The plastic mold ; the parametrization ; inlays ; divides the profile
目 录
摘要 …1
关键词 ……1
2 塑件的基本数据……3
2.1 塑件材料的选择3
2.2 塑件的相关计算 3
3 注射机的选择及相关参数的校核……4
3.1 型腔数量的初步确定…4
3.2 注射剂型号的确定……4
3.3 型腔数目的校核……5
3.3.1 由注射机额定锁模力校核型腔数量n5
3.3.2 由注射机的最大注射量校核型腔数量n……5
3.4 型腔的排列方式5
3.5 注射机相关参数的校核6
3.5.1 最大注射量的校核……6
3.5.2 锁模力的校核7
3.5.3 注射压力的校核……7
3.5.4 开模行程8
4 分型面的选择与浇注系统设计……8
4.1 分型面的选择…8
4.2 浇注系统的设计……9
4.2.1 定位圈的尺寸设计……9
4.2.2 主流道部分的尺寸设计9
4.2.3 浇口的尺寸设计10
4.2.4 分流道的尺寸设计……12
4.2.5 计算体积流率12
4.2.6 流程比校核13
4.2.7 注射时间…13
4.2.8 校核剪切速率13
4.2.9 浇注系统的平衡……13
4.2.10 冷料穴的设计14
5 成型零部件的设计……14
5.1 型芯、型腔的结构设计……14
5.2 影响工作尺寸的因素…15
5.2.1 塑件的收缩率波动……15
5.2.2 塑件的公差…15
5.2.3 模具制造误差…15
5.2.4 模具的磨损量…15
5.2.5 模具在分型面上的合模间隙…15
5.3 成型零件工作尺寸的计算……15
5.3.1 型腔径向尺寸的计算…16
5.3.2 型腔深度的计算16
5.4 成型零部件的强度与刚度计算17
5.4.1 成型零部件强度、刚度计算需考虑的问题…17
5.4.2 型腔侧壁厚度的计算…17
5.4.3 型腔腔底厚度的计算…18
6 导向机构及排气系统设计……18
6.1 导向机构设计18
6.1.1 导柱……18
6.1.2 导套……19
6.2 排气系统……19
7 冷却系统的设计20
8 侧向分型抽芯机构设计21
8.1 主要参数的确定22
8.1.1 抽芯距S 22
8.1.2 斜导柱的倾角α ……22
8.2 侧向抽芯机构的结构设计要点22
8.2.1 斜导柱 22
8.2.2 滑块 …23
8.2.3 滑块与导滑槽 23
8.2.4 滑块定位装置 24
8.2.5 锁紧块 24
9 结论……24
参考文献 ……26
致谢 27


  • 毕业设计-车载空气净化器下壳塑料模具设计
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