
毕业论文 长沙房地产面临的困境及对策

  • 简介:毕业论文-长沙房地产面临的困境及对策,共17页,11523字,目 录,摘 要 1,关键词 1,一、前言 2,(一)研究背景 2,(二)研究目的和意义 2,二、房地产有关理论综述 2,(一)房地产的含义 2,(二)房产和地产的差异和联系 3,1.房产与地产的差异...
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目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、前言 2
(一)研究背景 2
(二)研究目的和意义 2
二、房地产有关理论综述 2
(一)房地产的含义 2
(二)房产和地产的差异和联系 3
1.房产与地产的差异性 3
2.房产和地产密不可分的特性 3
三、长沙房地产业发展现状 4
1.房地产开发投资现状 4
2.土地开发与土地市场分析 5
3.商品房供销及供求结构情况分析 5
四、长沙房地产业发展存在的问题 7
(一)土地供应结构矛盾突出,规划调控力度不够 7
(二)房地产市场供求存在总量性和结构性失衡 7
(三)住房保障力度欠缺 7
(四)房地产市场秩序不够规范 8
(五)一、二级市场发展仍不平衡,中介服务机构欠规范 8
(六)企业规模偏小,综合竞争力需进一步提升 8
(七)城市房屋拆迁机制不完善 8
五、加强长沙房地产市场宏观调控的建议 9
(一)针对银行的建议 9
1.加强房地产金融的有效监管,维护房地产金融秩序 9
2.完善个人住房贷款保险体系 9
3.发挥金融优势,为房地产商提供多元融资渠道 9
(二)针对政府的建议 10
1.加快二手房市场建设,引导住房梯度消费 10
2.加强土地的宏观调控,完善土地供应制度 10
3.加快建立并完善预警预报系统,加速房地产信息化建设 11
4.调整商品房结构,完善住房保障体系 11
六、结束语 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
Abstract:The real estate industry is a pillar industry of national economy, its long industrial chain and capital-intensive, and is closely related to, The real estate industry has always been one of the first point of macro-control industry, The development of the real estate industry is well received by the macroeconomic situation and the industrial policy impact, but also affect the development of the national economy as a whole. This artical analyzes the impact of national macro-control under the Real Estate Deal of Changsha real estate, real estate development in Changsha, the actual data, and found a lot of problems in the real estate under the New Deal regulation. The state real estate regulation of the New Deal will be the real estate market in Hunan Province have a profound impact in the backdrop of the national macro-control, we also present in many developing countermeasures and suggestions.
Key words:new policy control of real estate; Macro-control; Industrial development; ChangSha


  • 毕业论文-长沙房地产面临的困境及对策
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