
毕业论文 网络版电控发动机故障诊断专家系统开发

  • 简介:本科毕业论文-网络版电控发动机故障诊断专家系统开发,共30页,14883字、附开题报告、任务书、外文翻译、文献综述,摘 要,随着电子控制燃油喷射发动机在现代汽车上的广泛应用,其故障诊断也成为当前急需解决的问题。汽车电喷发动机的故
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摘 要
With the development of modern Electronic Fuel Injection engine, fault diagnosis of the engine became more necessary. The complexity of EFI engine’s fault diagnosis behaved as fuzzy relation between symptoms and causes and uncertainty of reasoning course as well. On-Board-Diagnosis can only be used on diagnosing simple faults of electronic control system, and general measure instruments can not diagnosis exactly because of the complexity of EFI engine’s fault diagnosis. It is necessary to develop Diagnosis Expert System for EFI engine’s diagnosis considering about the specialty of the EFI engine.
EE-DES include four module: Diagnosis module, Knowledge base management module, learning assistant module, maintain management module and so on. User can diagnosis in two kinds mode: Diagnosis based on Diagnosis Tree , commix fuzzy reasoning based on expert’s knowledge and experience.
The former method emphasizes particularly on obtaining more failure information by testing and asking regularly during the process of diagnosis. In such way, the course of reasoning is optimized. Knowledge base was organized ideally by DT at the same time . By utilizing self-diagnosis method and diagnosis method based on DT, it become more convenience for fault orientation .
Key words:Electronic Fuel Injection Engine; Diagnosis; Expert System; Diagnosis Tree.

目 录
引 言 1
1 文献综述 1
1.1故障诊断技术综述 1
1.2 汽车发动机故障诊断 2
1.2.1汽车发动机故障类型 2
1.2.2 汽车故障诊断技术 2
1.2.3 现代汽车发动机故障诊断技术特征 3
1.3 本文的主要研究任务 3
2、电喷发动机故障诊断方法研究 4
2.1 随车自诊断 4
2.2 车外专用仪器诊断 4
2.3 专家系统诊断 5
2.3.1 国外汽车发动机诊断专家系统研究现状 5
2.3.2 基于ANN的诊断专家系统 5
2.3.3 电喷发动机诊断专家系统 5
3、基于诊断树理论的故障诊断方法研究 6
3.1故障树及其不足 6
3.2 故障诊断树及其结构 6
3.2.1 故障诊断树(DT) 6
3.2.2 诊断树的结构 7
3.3知识表示及知识库的建立 8
3.3.1 诊断树的优化 8
3.3.2 常见故障诊断知识表的生成 8
3.3.3 常见故障症状表的索引 9
3.4 诊断推理策略 9
4、网络版系统开发 10
4.1 基于诊断树的诊断模块开发 10
4.2网页应用Visual Studio.net 13
4.3系统简介: 14
5、结 论 22
参 考 文 献 23
致 谢: 24
附 1:故障树知识库
附 2:使用说明书


  • 毕业论文-网络版电控发动机故障诊断专家系统开发
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  • doc总表.doc  [28.50KB]
  • doc专家评阅书.doc  [24.50KB]
  • doc指导教师评阅书.doc  [25.00KB]
  • doc英语原文.doc  [32.00KB]
  • doc英语翻译.doc  [25.00KB]
  • doc文献综述.doc  [34.50KB]
  • doc外文翻译封皮.doc  [22.50KB]
  • doc任务书.doc  [43.50KB]
  • doc开题报告记录表.doc  [34.00KB]
  • doc开题报告.doc  [40.00KB]
  • doc进度计划表.doc  [31.50KB]
  • doc阶段检查表.doc  [31.50KB]
  • doc答辩评分表.doc  [31.50KB]
  • doc答辩记录表.doc  [33.50KB]
  • doc毕设论文.doc  [2.69MB]

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