
毕业设计 ZY1679∕13∕23型掩护式液压支架设计

  • 简介:中文题目:ZY1679∕13∕23型掩护式液压支架设计,外文题目:SHIELD ROOF SUPPORT DESIGN,毕业设计(论文)共65页,26694字(其中:外文文献及译文15页) 图纸共3张,附开题报告及实习报告,摘 要,由于地下煤层的地质环境比较复杂,这就要求在...
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毕业设计(论文)共65页,26694字(其中:外文文献及译文15页) 图纸共3张,附开题报告及实习报告
摘 要
As the coal underground geological environment more complex, which requires coal in different environments with different to the hydraulic pressure support.The article mainly elaborated the general shield type hydraulic pressure support design process. The design content includes: Chooses, the system design, the main spare part design, the main spare part examination and the hydraulic system design.
Because this coal bed thickness is moderate, selects the shield type hydraulic pressure support. The support uses four-bar linkage, improves the support stress condition. The top-beam, caving shield, the foundation makes the packed in a box body structure; The column uses the double expansion and contraction function hydraulic cylinder, increases the power stroke to satisfy the support to adjust the high scope the need. Passes the hoisting jack to use the fluctuation plunger type, reduces pushes slides the strength and increases moves a strength. In order to enhance moves a speed, guarantees is prompt to the roof support, uses the mushroom valve hydraulic system.
The design of the hydraulic pressure support from all seam thickness of the initial conditions, which is very good description of the different needs of different coal hydraulic pressure support, and therefore the upgrading hydraulic pressure support for improving efficiency and increasing the underground mining safety it is extremely important.
Key word: The hydraulic support; hydraulic; four-bar linkage; coal mining; support type choice; push forwards the conveyer; advancing the powered support
前言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 液压支架发展历史 2
1.2 我国液压支架的发展 3
1.3 液压支架的组成和分类 4
1.3.1 液压支架的组成 4
1.3.2 液压支架的分类及特点 4
1.4 液压支架的工作原理 7
1.5 液压支架的支护方式 9
1.6 支架选型的基本参数 9
1.6.1 对液压支架的基本要求 9
1.6.2 设计液压支架必需的基本参数 10
2 液压支架的总体设计 11
2.1 液压支架参数的确定 11
2.1.1 初撑力 11
2.1.2 移架力与推溜力 11
2.1.3 支架调高范围 11
2.1.4 中心距和宽度的确定 12
2.1.5 底座长度 12
2.2 四连杆机构设计 12
2.3 顶梁长度的确定 13
2.3.1 支架工作方式对支架顶梁长度的影响 13
2.3.2 配套尺寸对顶梁长度的影响 13
2.3.3 顶梁长度计算 14
2.4 立柱及柱窝位置的确定 15
2.4.1 立柱数 15
2.4.2 支撑方式 15
2.4.3 立柱的设计 15
2.4.4 立柱柱窝位置的确定 17
2.5 平衡千斤顶位置的确定 20
2.5.1 平衡千斤顶安装位置的确定原则 20
2.5.2 平衡千斤顶在顶梁上位置的确定 20
2.6 主要轴销间隙及其影响 24
3 液压支架的主要部件的设计 25
3.1 顶梁 25
3.2 掩护梁 26
3.3 前、后连杆 26
3.4 底座 26
3.5 立柱 27
3.6 千斤顶 27
3.6.1 推移千斤顶 27
3.6.2 平衡千斤顶 28
3.6.3 侧推千斤顶 28
3.7 侧护板 28
4 液压支架受力分析和计算 30
4.1 液压支架基本技术参数的确定 30
4.1.1 立柱的初撑力和泵站额定工作压力 30
4.1.2 千斤顶技术参数确定 31
4.2 支架受力分析与计算 32
4.2.1 铰接式顶梁掩护支架 32
4.2.2 顶梁载荷分布 33
4.2.3 支护强度计算 34
4.2.4 底座接触比压计算 34
4.2.5 支护效率 35
5 主要零、部件的强度校核 36
5.1 校核的基本要求 36
5.2 强度校核 36
6 液压支架的液压系统设计 43
6.1 液压支架的液压系统简介 43
6.2 液压支架的液压系统拟订 44
6.2.1 立柱系统 44
6.2.2 千斤顶系统 44
6.2.3 控制阀的选择 46
7 结论 47
致谢 48
参考文献 49
附录 A 译文 50
附录 B 外文译文 56


  • 毕业设计-ZY1679∕13∕23型掩护式液压支架设计
  • 苏洲=掩护式液压支架设计
  • 图纸
  • dwg液压系统图.dwg  [55.26KB]
  • dwg立柱.dwg  [119.29KB]
  • dwg装配图·.dwg  [234.07KB]
  • 论文
  • doc内封.doc  [21.50KB]
  • doc实习报告.doc  [57.50KB]
  • doc开题报告.doc  [33.50KB]
  • doc摘要.doc  [26.50KB]
  • doc正文.doc  [1.08MB]
  • doc目录.doc  [95.50KB]

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