

  • 简介:  湿地生态修复手册
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   This document presents approaches and methods for identifying and delineating wetlands for
   purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. It is designed to assist users in making
   wetland determinations using a multiparameter approach. Except where noted in the manual,
   this approach requires positive evidence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland
   hydrology for a determination that an area is a wetland. The multiparameter approach provides
   a logical, easily defensible, and technical basis for wetland determinations. Technical
   guidelines are presented for wetlands, deepwater aquatic habitats, and nonwetlands (uplands).
   Hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology are also characterized, and
   wetland indicators of each parameter are listed.
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