

  • 简介:(低噪声红外热释电前置放大电路的设计 80页 35258字 包括开题报告 文献综述 任务书 外文翻译 程序 电路图 答辩记录等)摘要 热释电红外传感器是一种非常有应用潜力的传感器。它能检测人或某些动物发射的红外线并转换成电信号输出。近年来,伴随着集成电路...
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低噪声红外热释电前置放大电路的设计 80页 35258字 包括开题报告 文献综述 任务书 外文翻译 程序 电路图 答辩记录等)

本文以热释电探测器的前置放大电路为例, 主要根据最佳源电阻匹配的原则选择低噪声晶体管,作为前置放大器,以得到最大的输出信噪比。低噪声放大器除了放大自身噪声外,还需要电阻、电容的噪声也很低。因此,还应选择优质的电阻、电容等元器件以减少固有的热噪声。另外还需要考虑耦合网络、反馈电路和偏置电路的噪声影响,选择合适的耦合网络、反馈电路和偏置电路,尽可能地实现探测器与前置放大器之间的噪声匹配。此外,还需适地调试电路,选择前置放大器的工作点,采用屏蔽和接地等防干扰措施以达到低噪声高信噪比的最终目的。


Low-noise infrared pyroelectric
preamp circuit design

Abstract : Pyroelectric infrared sensor is a great application potential of the sensor. Or it can detect the infrared emission of certain animals and converted into electrical signals output. In recent years, accompanied by the rapid development of integrated circuit technology, as well as the characteristics of the sensor in-depth study, the relevant application-specific integrated circuit processing technology is also growing rapidly.But its reading circuit development actually lags, how to reduce the noise of the circuit becomes one of hot spots in the reading circuit studies.
To read out the thermal responses from the pyroelectric detectors effectively and meet the needs of signal processing, preamplifiers must be used for the impedance conversion amplification and preconditioning of the signals.
In this paper, common preamplifiers were introduced. To obtain the biggest output signal of the noise ration, we choose the low noise tube as the pre-amplifier according to best source resistance match principle. Low noise amplifier can amplify own noise, but its resistance and electric capacity noise should be low. so choosing high quality of resistance and electric capacity is important to reduce the inherent thermal noise.Beside,we need to consider the influence of the coupling network, the feedback circuit and the bias electric circuit noise, and elect them to match the noise between the detector and the pre-amplifier. it is also need to adjust the electric circuit. Choose the pre-amplifier operating point, use the shield and the earth, etc against the jamming to achieve the goal of low noise and high signal.
This graduation project enables me to have a deep understanding of the photoelectric apparatus principle, the structure, the operating state transformation. At the same time, it also strengthens the knowledge on electronic engineering, the infrared radiation theory and photoelectric detection technical. This project makes me have a further understanding of the usage of each kind of electronic device.

Keywords : Infrared Detectors; Pyroelectric; Low Noise; Signal-to-noise Ratio;Preamplifier

Classification: TN722


摘要 I
目次 III
1 引言 1
2 热释电红外探测器 2
2.1 热释电效应 2
2.2 探测器的前置放大电路 4
2.3 低噪声前置放大器 5
3 噪声分析 7
3.2 噪声系数 9
3.3 最佳源电阻 10
3.4 阻抗匹配 11
3.5 低噪声放大管的选择原则 14
3.6 等效噪声带宽 14
4 偏置电路的噪声影响及低噪声条件 16
5 场效应管放大器 18
5.1 场效应管的性能特征 18
5.2场效应管放大电路 25
6 RC 有源滤波器 27
6.1 一阶低通滤波器 27
6.2 二阶低通滤波器 28
7 热释电探测器阻抗变换与前放的设计 30
7.1 电路设计 30
7.2 阻抗变换 30
7.3 电荷放大器 30
7.4 结论 31
结束语 33
参考文献 34
作者简介 35
学位论文数据集示例 36

1 引言


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