

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:8 字数:8486) 摘 要:《说文解字》中 “酉”部字共有69个。从《说文》的酉部字看中国古代的酒文化对这些字的解释和大量古代文献的佐证,可以详细了解古代酒的起源、酒器及酒器工艺、酿酒技术、酒的类别、与酒有关的...
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(毕业论文 页数:8 字数:8486)

摘 要:《说文解字》中 “酉”部字共有69个。从《说文》的酉部字看中国古代的酒文化对这些字的解释和大量古代文献的佐证,可以详细了解古代酒的起源、酒器及酒器工艺、酿酒技术、酒的类别、与酒有关的文学、人们饮酒时的状态,以及酒在礼仪和日常生活中的作用。这些汉字较为完整地保留了古代发达的酿酒技术和丰富的酒文化。酒文化作为一种特殊的文化形式,在传统的中国文化中有其独特的地位。在几千年的文明史中,酒几乎渗透到社会生活中的各个领域。酒不但是一种客观的物质存在,而且是一种文化象征。从这个层次来说,酒既是物质文化,又是精神文化。研究酒文化,能使我们了解中国古代文化发展的大致轨迹,还可以联系古代文化传统与现代文化传统,并把雅、俗文化的研究结合起来。我国的酒文化历史悠久,源远流长。自从古代发明造酒方法之后(包括酿酒工艺、各种酒器制作),饮酒风俗及仪礼便逐渐形成和完善,随之构成了我国酒文化灿烂辉煌的历史。

关键词: 《说文解字》;酉部字;酒;酒器;酒文化

Abstract:In "Shuowen Jiezi",“the tenth Earthly Branch” a character altogether has 69.From "Shuowen Jiezi" to these character explanation and the massive ancient times literature evidence, might understand in detail the ancient times liquor the origin, the drinking vessel and the drinking vessel craft, brewed alcohol technical, the liquor category, with the liquor related literature, the people drinks wine the time condition, as well as liquor in etiquette and daily life function.These Chinese characters retained the ancient times developed to brew alcohol completely the technology and the rich liquor culture.The liquor culture took one special cultural form, has its unique status in the traditional Chinese culture.In several millennium history of civilization, the liquor seeps nearly to the social life in each domain.Not only the liquor is one objective physical existence, moreover is one cultural symbol.From this level, the liquor not only is the material culture, also is the energetic culture.The research liquor culture, could make us to understand China the ancient civilization development approximate path, but also might relate the ancient civilization tradition and the modern culture tradition, and elegant, the vulgar cultural research unified.Our country's liquor culture history is glorious, well-established.Invented the brewing method since the ancient times (including brewed alcohol craft, each kind of drinking vessel manufacture), drank wine the custom and the ili then gradually forms with the consummation, constituted my national wine culture bright magnificent history along with it.

Keywords:"Shuowen Jiezi";tenth Earthly Branch department character;liquor;drinking vessel;liquor culture



我国古代酿酒始于何时?何人发明?众口不一。许慎的《说文》记载了两个关于造酒的传说。“酒”在《说文》中释义为:“就也,所以就人性之善恶……古者仪狄作酒醪,禹尝之而美,遂疏仪狄。杜康作秫酒。” [1](P90-100)

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