

  • 简介:(字数:14218 页数:40 毕业论文 带图纸 说明书)摘要:本说明书主要是阐述了有关滤油器支架模具设计的基本过程和其主要计算。全文共由四章组成,他们的内容如下所述。 第一章是设计滤油器支架模具的工艺方案的确定,主要根据所给制件特点加以分析,设计...
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(字数:14218 页数:40 毕业论文 带图纸 说明书)摘要:本说明书主要是阐述了有关滤油器支架模具设计的基本过程和其主要计算。全文共由四章组成,他们的内容如下所述。

关键词: 模具 复合模 零件
Abstract:This paper is main elaborates the basic mould design course of the sieve oil implement’s bracket,and expounds the main calculation course for it.
There are four parts in this paper, their content as follow.
The first chapter is settling the project of the mould design’s craft to the sieve oil implement’s bracket. It main contains the analysis of the sieve oil implement’s bracket’s characteristics. Make sure design three suitable moulds. The second chapter is the design of the blanking and drawing compound dies. It contains the choosing of the typical framework of the dies. The design
of some accessory. The third chapter is the design of the piercing and trimming compound dies. It contains the choosing the caculation of accessory. The forth chapter is the design of bending and flanging compound dies. In addition to using the similar framework of the dies, it contains some calculation and design of accessory.
In view of my limited knowledge,I could have made some mistakes in this paper, I wish my teacher and the readers could help me correct it, thanks!
Keywords: mould compound dies accessory

第一章 工艺方案的确定………………………………………………………………4
第二章 落料拉深复合模的设计………………………………………………………7
第三章 冲孔修边复合模的设计………………………………………………………19
第四章 弯曲翻边复合模的设计………………………………………………………30
第一章 工艺方案的确定
一 制件工艺分析

滤油器支架结构较为简单、材料为08Al,厚度为1mm。成型工艺包括落料拉深、冲孔修边、弯曲翻边三部分。 制件上的拉深为浅拉深(最大处也只有4.4mm)可一次拉深成型,同时制件结构对称,经计算满足冲压工艺要求。制件在进行冲孔、落料、修边时需要有必要的计算,之后才能确定凸凹模尺寸,这是设计时所必须的,这里体现了最原始的数据资料。在设计弯曲翻边部分时,要考虑到制件的弯曲回弹现象。
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