

  • 简介:(页数:19字数:10729 毕业论文)摘 要:中国共产党农村党支部委员会与农村村民委员会(简称村两委)是我国农村两个重要的村级组织,在村庄的经济和社会发展中起着重要作用。然而,由于这两个组织在性质、权力来源、合法性基础、运行机制等方面的一些差异...
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(页数:19字数:10729 毕业论文)摘 要:中国共产党农村党支部委员会与农村村民委员会(简称村两委)是我国农村两个重要的村级组织,在村庄的经济和社会发展中起着重要作用。然而,由于这两个组织在性质、权力来源、合法性基础、运行机制等方面的一些差异,导致“两委”之间经常发生冲突。解决“两委”之间的矛盾,形成村庄发展的合力是更好地实施村民自治、建设社会主义新农村的重要课题。基于此,从村两委之间的利益相争、村干部素质不高、法律制度方面以及村支委和村委会的权力来源的不同等四个方面分析了农村“两委”间的矛盾和诱因,在此基础上提出处理“两委”关系的思路。即:首先、从制度模糊性入手,修改相关的法律、条例,使制度规范化、明确化;其次、合理界定二者权力的界限:完善权力的法律授予机制;第三、提高村两委成员素质,加强团结;最后、治理村两委关系的根本保证:严格的法律责任追究机制。作为一项重要的制度,在发展过程中出现种种问题是在所难免的,相信在各界的努力下,村两委关系问题一定能够得到治理,村民自治事业一定能够健康发展下去。

关键词:村支委 村委会 两委关系

Abstract :The CPC branches and the village committees in rural areas (Cun liang Wei) are China's rural two important village-level organizations, plays an important role in the village of economic and social development. Because they have many differences in the nature, source of power, legitimacy basis, operating mechanisms, such as the difference, resulting in "two committees" between recurrent conflict. Solve the "two committees" the contradiction between the development of villages formed a joint force is better implementation of village autonomy, and building a socialist new rural important subject. Based on this, Cun liang Wei between the interests of the dispute over the quality of village cadres are not high, the legal system of the village committee and village party branches and the power source of four different aspects of the "two committees" the contradictions and incentives on this basis, to deal with "two committees" between ideas. Namely: Firstly, from the start of the fuzzy system, to amend the relevant laws, regulations, the system of standardized, clear; Secondly, the two powers to define the reasonable limits: improving the legal power to grant mechanism; Thirdly, improve the quality of Cun liang Wei To ensure the unity of the members. finally, governance Cun liang Wei relations and the fundamental guarantee: strict legal accountability mechanisms. As an important system, in the process of development problems is inevitable, I believe in the efforts of all sectors, The question of Cun liang Wei relations will certainly be able to receive treatment, the villagers of autonomy and healthy development of the cause will certainly be able to continue.

Keywords: The CPC branches committee in rural areas; The village committee; Relations between the two committees

目 录

摘 要 III
Abstract IV
引 言 1
一、村两委关系问题的提出 2
(一)制度背景 2
(二)两委关系概述 2
二、村两委关系问题的表现 4
(一)支委专权 4
(二)村委揽权 4
(三)两委争权 5
三、村两委关系紧张的原因分析 6
(一)乡镇对两委缺乏正确指导 6
(二)职责权限不清,关系不顺 6
(三)权力救济机制的缺失 7
(四)两委成员工作缺乏合力 8
四、当前村两委关系紧张的法律治理 9
(一)改变制度模糊性,明晰相关规定的具体含义 9
(二)合理界定二者权力的界限:完善权力的法律授予机制 9
(三)建立严格的法律责任追究机制 10
(四)提高村两委成员素质,加强团结 11
结 论 12
参考文献 14
致 谢 15

引 言
村民自治是二十世纪八十年代末在中国广大农村社区兴起的一项亿万农民广泛自治和直接民主的实践,是农村经济体制深刻变革后带来的必然的历史进程。被荣敬本教授盛赞为“民主的蝴蝶在飞”。[ ]但由于制度安排的缺失和实践操作的误区,不少地方村民自治实践中,无论是在自治主体、功能还是权力的运用上都发生了一定程度的异化,严重地偏离村民自治的价值目标和精神实质,影响了村民自治的绩效,最终必将使村民自治内在的民主与自治精神变质走样。其中,村“两委”关系的紧张更是直接影响到了我国村治事业的发展。因此,探索村“两委”关系紧张现象及其原因,进而提出对策,是解读当前村治困境的一个重要视角,对于我国村民自治事业的发展无疑具有理论和现实意义。

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