

  • 简介:(页数:18 字数:11128 毕业论文)摘要:刑法中的暴力是法定的、针对被害人人身或者财物犯罪时实施的一种有形的能引起物质性后果的作用力,并且这种作用力在客观上对刑法所保护的社会关系造成了危害。 按照不同的标准,对暴力可以有不同的分类,以暴力的...
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(页数:18 字数:11128 毕业论文)摘要:刑法中的暴力是法定的、针对被害人人身或者财物犯罪时实施的一种有形的能引起物质性后果的作用力,并且这种作用力在客观上对刑法所保护的社会关系造成了危害。


Abstract :Violence in the criminal law is statutory, for personal or property crime victims when the implementation of a tangible material consequences can lead to the force, and the objective of this force on the protection of the criminal law against social relations.
According to different standards, the violence can have different classification, the use of violence as the object of the standard can be divided into the violence and of violence in accordance with the level of violence, violence can be divided into the most generalized violence, generalized violence , The narrow sense of violence, the most narrow of violence; can also be based on other criteria to classify the violence, such as the manifestations of violence, and so on.
On the subject of violence, criminal law, crime is targeted by the criminal acts and the role of crime by criminal targets of the object shown, as a criminal who is the object of the participants in social relations, the object of a crime can be seen as social relations The material carriers,be infringedPersonal rightsLee acts of violence can also be passed on the role of the physical demonstrated, as a result of violence can also be the target; violence in the subjective is intentional and, for some performance for the purpose, in order to exclude The parties against the use of physical force and methods, it is the greatest stress the distinction is that stress only the victims of intimidation, its spirit is mandatory, violence is on the victims of physical force.
For a variety of the special nature of their crime, although the majority of crime in terms provide for a violent elements in its extent, but the request has great difference, the study of the level of violence is a core issue on violence, on the level of violence Research on violence in general is only the ceiling and floor for research. For the lower end of violence, different crime of violence off the assembly line have different requirements, such as: the crime of armed rebellion, violence crimes, the crime does not require the establishment of any physical harm to others or physical coercion, this type of violence does not exist Lower limit, once to constitute the act of violence, threats and coercive women in the crime, as long as the perpetrator of the act to inhibit freedom of action constitute the victims of violence; violence for the ceiling, and no uniform standard, in practice for certain crimes Violence does not require the ceiling. In the specific crime of violence found on the methods vary.
In the violence of the crime that has very great significance, first of all violent crime is certain to set up the necessary conditions; Secondly, the violence is the result of some counts one aggravating circumstance; again, the level of violence different components of the crime are also different.

Keywords:Characteristics of violence ,Targets of violence ,Category violence ,The level of violence

目 录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
前言 1
一、暴力的内容 1
(一)暴力的分类 1
1.最广义的暴力 1
2.广义的暴力 2
3.狭义的暴力 2
4.最狭义的暴力 2
(二)暴力的对象 3
(三)暴力与胁迫的区别 4
(四)暴力的主观特征 5
二、暴力的程度 6
(一)暴力的下限 6
(二)暴力的上限 7
三、具体刑法分则里的部分犯罪中关于暴力的认定 7
(一)抢劫罪中的暴力 7
(二)强迫交易罪中的暴力 8
(三)暴力危及飞行安全罪中的暴力 8
(四)暴力劫持航空器罪中的暴力 9
(五)强奸罪中的暴力 9
四、认定暴力内涵的重要意义 9
(一)暴力是某些犯罪成立的必备条件 9
(二)暴力是某些罪名的结果加重情形之一 10
(三)暴力的程度不同构成的犯罪也不同 10
结语 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13

“暴力”一词本身是犯罪学中的概念,它常常和犯罪联系在一起为学者所研究,从刑法角度来看,目前还没有哪一个国家的刑法典系统、集中地规定暴力犯罪这一类犯罪的情况,都泛指以暴力作为犯罪手段严重危害社会的犯罪行为。但是暴力作为一种犯罪手段,在各国的刑法中都有明确的规定,以我们国家为例:暴力在出现在许多刑法条文中,暴力对于这些刑法条文规定的行为是否构成犯罪,构成此罪还是彼罪以及量刑轻重都有重要意义。但是在目前,各国的刑法典都没有对暴力具有什么样的内涵作出具有法律效力的解释,学者们虽然对暴力也作出过解释但是内容大不相同,众说纷纭,例如在烟台大学法学研究所的《犯罪与刑法新论》中对暴力作出的解释是:“暴力行为是指行为人在侵害他人的人身、财产等权利时,所采取的摧残,强制他人身体的一种凶恶残酷手段。”[1]中国方正出版社出版的《刑法分则实务研究》中又将暴力定义为:“具有公然、性攻击性、强制性的行动。”[2]台湾学者则将暴力称为强暴:“暴力就是对被害人人身的暴力,或者对行为客体以外的第三人施以强暴。”因此,就目前来说,暴力到底具有什 么内涵,还没有一个权威的具有法律效力的解释。同时,对暴力的内涵作出一个合理规范的解释,不仅能体现法律的严肃性,而且有利于司法工作人员在司法实践中正确适用法律[3]。

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