

  • 简介:(页数:18 字数:9409 毕业论文)摘要:近年来,随着国际争议的日益增多和日趋复杂,涉及仲裁协议的当事人以外的第三人的情况客观存在,理论界对于是否应该设立仲裁第三人制度存在很大分歧,本文阐述了争议双方的主要观点及理由,并列举了世界上其他国家...
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(页数:18 字数:9409 毕业论文)摘要:近年来,随着国际争议的日益增多和日趋复杂,涉及仲裁协议的当事人以外的第三人的情况客观存在,理论界对于是否应该设立仲裁第三人制度存在很大分歧,本文阐述了争议双方的主要观点及理由,并列举了世界上其他国家对仲裁第三人制度的立法及实践经验。文章从仲裁第三人概念的辨析着手,对仲裁中引入第三人制度的理论争鸣与实践态度加以比较分析,从仲裁内在的原则出发,通过比较国际上一些通行的做法,结合我国诉讼和仲裁立法与实践,认为仲裁中不应存在第三人制度。因为仲裁毕竟不同于诉讼,仲裁中设立第三人制度存在着重大的理论障碍,即仲裁权的来源是仲裁协议,仲裁权与诉讼权存在着本质区别,这注定仲裁不能仿效诉讼设立第三人制度。同时,设立第三人制度还将严重违背仲裁的效益、公平与保密等价值取向。

关键词:仲裁第三人 仲裁协议 诉讼

Abstract :In recent years, with the increasing and the more complex of the international dispute,third party in arbitration which is not involved in the arbitration exists, theorists argue whether the third human of system should exist,this article elaborated the two parties major point and the reason, and enumerated the legislation and the experience in the other countries,throughout the theoretical and practical analysis. The article from arbitrates the third person of concept the discrimination to begin, to arbitrates introduces the third person of system's theory to contend with the practice manner performs the comparative analysis, embarks from the arbitration intrinsic principle, through comparison internationally some general procedures, unifies our country lawsuit and the arbitration legislates and practices, thought that in the arbitration should not have the third person of system. Because arbitrates is different with the lawsuit, in the arbitration sets up the third person of system to have the significant theory barrier, namely the arbitration power's origin is the arbitral agreement, the arbitration power and the lawsuit power has the essence to distinguish, this is doomed to arbitrate cannot imitate the lawsuit to set up the third person of system. At the same time, will set up the third person of system also seriously to violate the arbitration the benefit, fair and value orientations and so on security.

Key Words:third party in arbitration proceedings;arbitration agreement;lawsuit

目 录
目 录 I
摘要 II
引言 1
一、仲裁第三人的概念辨析 2
二、仲裁中引入第三人制度的理论争鸣与实践态度 3
(一)理论争鸣 3
(二)实践态度 4
1.有关仲裁立法对仲裁第三人的规定 4
2.有关仲裁规则对仲裁第三人的规定 6
三、仲裁中不宜设立第三人制度 9
(一)设立仲裁第三人制度的理论障碍 9
1.仲裁权与民事审判权存在着本质的区别 9
2.仲裁权主要来源于仲裁协议的授权 9
(二)设立第三人制度将严重背离仲裁的价值取向 10
1.设立第三人制度将违背仲裁的效益与公平原则 10
2.设立第三人制度将可能使仲裁的保密特性丧失 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13


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