

  • 简介:(页数:16 字数:9599 毕业论文)摘要:无权代理人的民事责任是代理制度中的一个重要问题,而我国立法对无权代理人的责任问题规定过于概括,不利于司法实践,故而建议在将来的民事立法中,应具体规定相应的无权代理人责任制度。本文在介绍和评价契约当事人...
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(页数:16 字数:9599 毕业论文)摘要:无权代理人的民事责任是代理制度中的一个重要问题,而我国立法对无权代理人的责任问题规定过于概括,不利于司法实践,故而建议在将来的民事立法中,应具体规定相应的无权代理人责任制度。本文在介绍和评价契约当事人说、侵权责任说、缔约过失责任说、默示担保责任说的基础上,笔者支持无权代理人对相对人的民事责任为特别责任,因为无权代理人与相对人之间不存在合法、有效的合同,不以无权代理人的过错为成立要件,也非因为无权代理人违反了默示担保义务,而是因为无权代理人的责任由法律直接规定产生,应当是一种特别责任。同时笔者认为无权代理人承担的民事责任仅为赔偿责任,因为其责任基础是法定责任,他们之间不存在契约关系,无权请求履行合同,且以无权代理人的主观态度来确定赔偿范围。

关键词 无权代理人 民事责任 特别责任 赔偿责任

Abstract :The unauthorized agent civil liability is an important issue of the agent in system, China's legislation on the responsibility of the unauthorized agents is too broad, not conducive to judicial practice, Therefore, proposals in the future of civil legislation, should specific regulate the responsibility of the corresponding unauthorized agent system. The article introducing and evaluation on the basis of contract party doctrine, tort liability doctrine , contracting fault liability doctrine, implied security responsibility doctrine. I support civil liability that the responsibility of the corresponding unauthorized agent for a special responsibility, because between the unauthorized agent and the relative does not exist the legitimate, valid contract, the unauthorized agent’s fault can not be the establishment of conditions, nor is it because they violate the implied guarantee obligations, but because the responsibility of unauthorized agent produced by the direct legal provisions, should be a special responsibility. At the same time, I believe that the unauthorized agent to assume the liability for civil liability only, Because of its responsibility is based on the statutory responsibility, There is no contract between them, have no right to request performance of the contract, and use subjective approach of the unauthorized agents to determine the compensation.

Key word: The unauthorized agent; Civil Liability; Special responsibility; The
responsibility of compensation

摘要 II
一、问题的提出 1
二、无权代理人对相对人承担民事责任的根据 2
(一)无权代理人对相对人承担民事责任根据的相关学说 2
(二)笔者对以上学说的评议及观点 3
三、无权代理人对相对人承担民事责任的内容及范围 6
(一)无权代理人对相对人承担民事责任的内容 6
1.学界的相关观点 6
2.笔者的评析及观点 6
(二)无权代理人对相对人承担民事责任的范围 7
1.学界的相关观点 7
2.笔者的评析及观点 7
四、结语 9
参考文献: 10
致谢 11


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