

  • 简介:(页数:13 字数:7479 毕业论文)摘要:随着世界经济全球化的加速发展,各国、各地区的经济活动正在越来越多地走出地域性,越来越密切地结合,各国经济互相依存、互相影响日益强化和不断加深,世界成为一个密切联系的有机整体。在经济全球化的总体趋势下...
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(页数:13 字数:7479 毕业论文)摘要:随着世界经济全球化的加速发展,各国、各地区的经济活动正在越来越多地走出地域性,越来越密切地结合,各国经济互相依存、互相影响日益强化和不断加深,世界成为一个密切联系的有机整体。在经济全球化的总体趋势下,南北矛盾和南北合作发生了新的变化,新旧两种国际经济秩序的斗争进入了一个新的阶段,面临一系列新的问题。相应地,国际经济法作为调整和解决有关国际经济关系的各种法律规范的总和,也会出现一系列新的“游戏规则”。回顾历史,国际经济法正是在南北国家的历史渊源、激烈斗争和力量对比的历史条件下逐步产生和发展起来的,始终贯穿着新旧两种国际经济秩序的尖锐和激烈斗争。因此,南北关系的新变化必将设计出国际经济法的发展方向,急需研究和掌握。当今世界,国际经法发展中的主要矛盾,仍然是南北国家之间新旧两种国际经济秩序的斗争,本文抓住其中的主要矛盾和主要问题,从当代国际经济关系的实际出发,沿着世界经济新秩序的格局及其发展进行探索,确立国际经济法的研究思想,揭示国际经济法发展变化的规律。

关键词:经济全球化 南北矛盾 南北合作 国际经济法 国际经济秩序

On North-South relations to the new changes impact on the development of international economic law

Abstract :Along with the accelerative development of economic globalization, the economic activities of various countries and regions are going out the localization more and more, unifying more and more closely. The various countries’ economy makes the world become a closely related organic whole by depending on each other, the mutual influence strengthening day by day and deepening unceasingly.Under the overall tendency of the economical globalization, the worldwide contradiction and cooperation between north and south has had the new changes. The struggle between the old and new international economy entered a new stage, facing a series of new questions. The international economic rules and regulations as each kind of legal standard sun total of adjustment correspondingly and solution related international economy relations, can also appear a series of new game rules.The reviewing history, the international economic rules and regulations are producing gradually and developing under the historical conditions of the north and south countries historical origin, intense and the power balance, and is throughout passing through the incisive and the intense struggle between new and old international economy order. Therefore, the new change between the north and south relations will certainly design the development direction of the international economic rules and regulations, and need research and grasping urgently.Nowadays world, the principal contradiction in the development of the international economy still was the new and old international economy order struggle between the north and south countries. This article holds principal contradiction and the main question, embarking from the contemporary international economy relations reality and carrying on the exploration along the world economics new order pattern and the development; establishes research thought of international economic rules and regulations ; revel development change rule of international economic rules and regulations.

Keywords:Economic globalization North-South conflict North-South cooperation International Economic Law International economic order

目 录
摘 要 ……………………………………………………………П
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………Ш
前 言 ………………………………………………………… 1
一、经济全球化 …………………………………………………… 2
(一)积极作用 …………………………………………………… 2
(二)消极作用 …………………………………………………… 2
二、当前南北关系 …………………………………………………4
(一)南北矛盾 …………………………………………………… 4
1. 南北差距继续扩大 …………………………………………… 4
2.发达国家发展援助远未达标 ……………………………………4
3. 发展中国家债务负担有增无减 ……………………………… 4
4. 南北贸易权利极不平等………………………………………… 5
5. 环境问题日益尖锐 ……………………………………………5
6. 发展中国家主张保障和坚持国家经济主权 ………………………5
(二)南北合作 ……………………………………………………6
三、国际经济法的发展 ………………………………………………9
(一)国际经济法调整范围不断扩大 …………………………………9
(二)国际经济法的统一趋势明显加强 ………………………………9
(五)国际经济法对缩小世界范围内的贫富差距的作用开始受到世界各国的广泛关注 ………………………………………………………………10
致 谢 ………………………………………………………………13


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