

  • 简介:(字数:10401 页数:20 毕业论文)摘要:春秋战国社会动荡不安,法家思想以其急功近利地富国强兵的主张,取得了战国至秦朝在政治法律思想上的主流地位。随着秦的灭亡,到汉武帝时期,法家最终失去了这种主流地位。分析其失去主流地位的原因,不仅包括秦速...
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(字数:10401 页数:20 毕业论文)摘要:春秋战国社会动荡不安,法家思想以其急功近利地富国强兵的主张,取得了战国至秦朝在政治法律思想上的主流地位。随着秦的灭亡,到汉武帝时期,法家最终失去了这种主流地位。分析其失去主流地位的原因,不仅包括秦速亡所带来的教训以及汉初的实际社会状况,还包括法家自身理论上存在的缺陷。表面看来,法家存在着严刑峻法、忽视道德教化、扼杀人民自由等缺陷。实质上,这些缺陷却是由更深层次的缺陷导致的。其中,法家对人性的悲观认识和急功近利的主张,是决定法家思想不可能长久实施的致命缺陷。

关键词 法家 主流 法治 权力 人性

Abstract :In Spring and Autumn Period the society was in turmoil. The Legalist claimed to seek quick success on richening the country and strengthening the army. So it gain mainstream status on political and law thought during the Warming States and Qin Dynasty. To the reign of Emperor Hanwu, with the Qin Dynasty’s fall, the Legalist lost the mainstream status. To analysis of reason, the lesson of Qin’s Dynasty’s fall, the practical social situation and the theoretical defects of the Legalist itself are all included. On the surface there are many defects on the legalism Ideology like harsh penal code, the ignorance of moral education and the strangle to people’s freedom . In fact, there are deeper defects such as the pessimistic to human natures, and quick benefits. These defects determine the legalist can’t last for long.

Key word: Legalist school; Mainstream; Government by law; Authority; Human nature

摘要 2
一、法家思想主流地位的取得 5
二、法家思想主流地位取得的原因 7
三、法家思想主流地位的丧失 9
四、法家思想失去主流地位的原因 11
㈠浅层次的原因 11
㈡深层次的原因 12
五、对我国现行法治建设的启示 14
㈠法与时移 14
㈡依法治国 14
㈢法律面前人人平等 14
六、结束语 16
参考文献: 17
致谢 18


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