

  • 简介:(论文翻译 页数:15 字数:7164)摘要:重构制造系统在生产过程中能够应对难以预测的市场变化,以及能够提高一定的生产能力。在生产过程中,普通的事件发生动态的变化(机器故障,改变工作的优先项目等)和在单元结构上(刀具的损坏、设备的碰撞、损坏等)。这种...
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(论文翻译 页数:15 字数:7164)摘要:重构制造系统在生产过程中能够应对难以预测的市场变化,以及能够提高一定的生产能力。在生产过程中,普通的事件发生动态的变化(机器故障,改变工作的优先项目等)和在单元结构上(刀具的损坏、设备的碰撞、损坏等)。这种例外中断生产过程的失误会给进度和任务的计划造成一定的影响。错误处理是为了应对引起的各种误差。重构能力是新技术包含的因素,用新的方法来处理生产过程中发生的各种状况,例如运用重构。本文从模拟个案研究,突出优势,运用重构错误处理。提出了面向对象的高级控制进行实时处理时发生的错误,结合新的重构错误处理技术与现有的反应调度系统。
1 介绍
Koren等人把柔性制造系统的组成定义为从开始就为快速变化的结构设计的制造业系统,以及在硬件和软件上是为了调整生产能力和功能。柔性制造系统是一种数控机床、专用机床、可重构机床的混合体。可重构机床具有灵活的结构,可以改变原来的配置(如添加新主轴) 配备在可开放式环境中重新构造控制器的集成。柔性制造系统很容易地被调整为一个系统平台 (即改变原来的配置), 机床平台(如添加新的主轴) 和控制平台(如软件模块的随时调整)。


Operation management in reconfigurable manufacturing
systems: Reconfiguration for error handling
Reconfigurable manufacturing systems offer quick adjustment of production capacity and functionality in response to unpredictable market changes as being systems designed at the outset for rapid change in system configuration, its machines and controls. During the production process, out-of-ordinary events occur dynamically and unpredictably both at the system (machine breakdowns, change in job’s priorities, etc.) and at the cell level (tool failures, robot collisions, etc.). Such exceptions interrupt the production process by causing errors in the schedule plan (system level) or in the task plan (cell level). Error handling is the policy meant for reacting to errors caused by the occurrence of out-ofordinary events. The reconfiguration ability turns out to be the new technological factor enabling new strategies to handle out-of-ordinary events of the production process. Both economic and performance aspects need to be considered in order to make a decision in support of particular error handling policies such as using reconfiguration. This paper, starting from a simulation case study, highlights advantage of using reconfiguration for error handling. Authors propose an object-oriented high-level control structure for real-time error handling, which integrates the new reconfiguration for error handling technology with the existing reactive scheduling system. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
The ability to launch new product models quickly, the potential for rapid alteration of manufacturing system capacity and the fast integration ability of new process technologies into existing systems are the emerging requirements for the contemporary and future production facilities. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSS) are at the moment widely considered as one of the promising key technologies to enable responsiveness in the new production era known as mass customization. It is true that the flexibility offered by flexible manufacturing systems (FMSS) certainly allows to manufacture a variety of products in the same systems, but it is not the only key to success. In order to remain competitive under unpredictable and rapid changing market conditions, flexibility must be coupled with responsiveness and cost efficiency, as well as high reliability, scalability, and ability for easy software/ hardware upgrades ability (Mehrabi et al., 2000). RMSS offer such features allowing quick adjustment of production capacity and functionality by rearranging or changing its modular components.

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