

  • 简介:(论文 字数:20625页数:48)摘要:蓄电池作为电力系统和通信系统中的直流系统向外供电的唯一设备,其性能的好坏直接关系到电力系统和通信系统的安全可靠性。但是由于使用不当或者不能及时维护,经常会导致蓄电池组中个别蓄电池的早期失效,会严重影响整...
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(论文 字数:20625页数:48)摘要:蓄电池作为电力系统和通信系统中的直流系统向外供电的唯一设备,其性能的好坏直接关系到电力系统和通信系统的安全可靠性。但是由于使用不当或者不能及时维护,经常会导致蓄电池组中个别蓄电池的早期失效,会严重影响整个电池组的放电容量,严重者会导致整个供电系统的崩溃。因此必须对蓄电池组的运行状态进行实时在线检测。而目前国内厂家生产的蓄电池状态检测仪器仅仅可以实现对蓄电池的浮充状态进行在线检测,不能对蓄电池充、放电的动态过程中的性能状态实时在线检测诊断,无法及时发现存在故障的失效电池。本设计在研究了蓄电池组运行状态监测的有关技术的基础上,利用常用微处理器技术,结合现代电路设计方法,开发了一种性价比高、功能更加完善的蓄电池在线检测仪器。


Abstract :The security and reliability of electrical power and communication system is directly influenced by the performance of batteries, the only power source of its DC system. For being used improperly or not maintained in time, the individual battery of batteries may become invalided. As a result, the discharging capability of the batteries will decrease, and even worse make the electrical system corrupt. Therefore, the batteries must be monitored on-linely and real-timely. Now some factories have produced the motoring instruments for the batteries, but they are only available when the batteries are on floating charging status, and will be unable to work when the battery is on the course of charging or discharging. So the bad batteries couldn't be found in time. On the basis of discussion of the monitoring techniques of battery operating state, a new on-line monitoring system for battery is designed with the newly microprocessor and designing methods of circuit.
Firstly, the methods and actualities of battery maintenance are introduced, and the new monitoring way is deeply discussed on the basis of theory of charging and discharging. Secondly, the emphasis is placed on the hardware and software designing of the monitoring instrument includes parts selecting, parameter setting and software designing flow etc. Finally, the integrated application of software designing is explained. The outstanding of this study is: for system hardware design, a new voltage measuring circuit, which is used to measure the voltage of the individual battery of batteries is designed; for the functions of the new instrument, it is used to monitor the battery on-linely and real-timely not only when the battery is on floating charging but also on the course of charging and discharging with the new judging criterion of battery performance. Even more, the battery, which is good in floating charging and actually may be bad, could be found quickly by discharging for a short time periodically. The precision, automation and intelligence of the monitoring system for battery is improved greatly. The success of the new instrument is sifficant for the security and reliability of power supply system, and the life and application efficiency of battery could be enhanced distinctly.

Keywords: battery on-line monitoring digital filtering

1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 蓄电池检测现状 1
1.2.1 蓄电池的容量检测 2
1.2.2 蓄电池的电压检测 2
1.3研究的目的和内容 4
2 蓄电池检测技术原理 6
2.1蓄电池的电化学原理 6
2.1.1 蓄电池的电动势 6
2.1.2 蓄电池的主要技术参数及其定义 6
2.2 蓄电池的充、放电特性 7
2.2.1 蓄电池的充电特性 7
2.2.2 蓄电池的放电特性 8
2.2.3蓄电池的深度放电 10
2.2.4 故障蓄电池的充放电特性 10
2.3 蓄电池组的均匀性研究 10
2.3.1 蓄电池组均匀性的重要性 10
2.3.2 蓄电池组端电压的分布规律 11
3 检测控制系统硬件设计 15
3.1 系统总体结构和功能设计 15
3.2 电压采集电路设计 16
3.3 微控制系统89C51及其外围接口电路 19
3.3.1 89C51性能简介 19
3.3.2模数转换器(ADC)的使用及其接口设计 19
3.3.3 温度传感电路 21
3.3.4 人机接口 24
3.4 电源与PCB板设计 29
3.4.1 电源设计 29
3.4.2 PCB板设计 30
4 系统软件设计 32
4.1 电池电压检测软件设计: 33
4.2 温度检测环节的软件设计 37
5 系统校准 39
5.1 电压采集的非线性校正 39
5.2 本系统电压采集的非线性校正 40
6 总结 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43

1 绪论
1.1 引言
铅酸蓄电池(Lead-Acid Batery,LAB)作为一种化学电源,自1860年普兰特(Plante)首次实现了实用的蓄电池以来,尤其是近年来随着阀控式铅酸蓄电池〔VRLAB)的出现,蓄电池以其价格低廉、易于浮充使用、电能效率高、电源独立性好、可移动等优点被广泛应用于汽车、船舶、变电站、发电厂、邮电通讯系统、铁路客车等各个领域。而蓄电池组作为一种后备电源,已经成为电力系统和通信系统中的直流系统的一个重要组成部分。

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