

  • 简介:(论文 字数:20716 页数:43)摘 要:本课题研究来源于国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:70471045):基于随机需求与不对称信息的供应链协调与量折扣研究。 供应链管理的重要内容之一是协调供应链中各个组成部分的库存管理问题,因为供应链的各环节中都在不...
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(论文 字数:20716 页数:43)摘 要:本课题研究来源于国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:70471045):基于随机需求与不对称信息的供应链协调与量折扣研究。


A Study On Inventory Problems Of a Two-Tier SupplyChain

Abstract :The research is supported by the national natural science foundation: (grant number: 70471045 ): supply chain coordination and quantity discount research based on stochastic demand and asymmetric information.
One of important contents of the supply chain is to coordinate management question in each constituent inventory. Because various links of supply chain all have the ration inventory in varying degrees, Under the market competition environment intensely day by day, The inventory control has the important influence regarding each constituent of supply chain as well as the entire supply chain profit, what’s more, which has vital role to reduces the operation cost, enhances the economic efficiency together. It has already caused the academic circles and the business community widespread attention as an important method to make supply chain stably. To inventory question to carry on the thorough analysis and the synthetic study has the important theory significance and the practical significance.
This article first summarized domestic and foreign research results about the supply chain inventory management, introduces the starting point of this topic in this foundation, then proposed the research content and the structure, Simultaneously has given this research innovation spot. In the following second part, we introduced the supply chain inventory management rationale, production and the development course as well as the questions existed in the modern supply chain inventory management and the solution, for the topic which met down have provided certain research foundation and the basis.
The third part emphatically study the inventory from the supplier’s angle to study two-tier supply chain inventory questions. The VMI is one inventory management way which considers both benefits of the supplier and buyer, it draws up the inventory strategy through the communication and the coordination, reduces the supply chain system inventory total cost, achieves win-win goal both the supply and demand. In the massive research VMI indicated that, its working efficiency is higher than other management pattern, may reduce the inventory and the retailing cost large scale in particular, is one kind of good management pattern. In this starting point, this article in view of a supplier and a buyer, under the strategy of VMI, considered one product, establishes the corresponding inventory model.
Finally, We will promote the established model, and will afterwards be extending to a supplier and many buyers’ situation.

Key words: supply chain management; inventory management; VMI;shortage

目 录
第一章 引 言................................................... 1
1.1 选题背景及意义…………………………………………………...….. 1
1.2 研究现状……………………………......................................................2
1.3 本文的主要内容及结构安排…………………………………………..3
1.4 本文的特点……………………………………………………………..4
1.5 本章小结……………………………………………………………..…5
第二章 供应链管理基础理论 ………………………………….. ……………...6
2.1 库存问题的提出……………………………………………… ………….6
2.2 库存理论的产生与发展…………………………………………………..6.
2.3 库存的分类………………………………………………………………..6
2.4 与库存相关的基本概念…………………………………………………..7
2.5 供应链管理环境下的库存问题…………………………………………..9
2.6 本章小结…………………………………………………………………..9
第三章 一个供应商和一个订货商的库存问题…………………………………10
3.1 问题的提出……………………….……………………………………….10
3.2 第一种情形………………………………………………………………..10
3.3 算例………………………………….…………………………………… 15
3.4 问题延伸………………………………..…………………………………15
3.5 第二种情形……………………………..…………………………………17
3.6 本章小结………………………………..………………………………….21
第四章 一个供应商和多个订货商的库存问题………………………………...22
第五章 总结与展望………………………………………………………………35
5.1 总结………………………………………………………………………...35
5.2 展望……………………………………………………………………… ..35

第一章 引 言
1.1 选题背景及意义


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