

  • 简介:(论文 字数:29758页数:68)摘 要:心脑血管疾病是危害人类健康最为严重的杀手。目前,临床主要通过基于二维DSA的血管造影图像来诊断病情,但是准确性和客观性较差,对人体有创伤,且价格昂贵。基于CT容积数据的血管提取与病情诊断方法,由于处理的是三维数...
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(论文 字数:29758页数:68)摘 要:心脑血管疾病是危害人类健康最为严重的杀手。目前,临床主要通过基于二维DSA的血管造影图像来诊断病情,但是准确性和客观性较差,对人体有创伤,且价格昂贵。基于CT容积数据的血管提取与病情诊断方法,由于处理的是三维数据,能获得比二维的造影图像更丰富的信息,且由于其无创伤性和价格低廉,已成为临床研究的重要课题。本文研究基于CT容积数据的血管提取与重建方法,并已成功应用于三维血管分析系统。


Abstract :Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the most serious killers to human health. At present, 2D DSA images are widely used in clinic diagnosis. However they are invasive and expensive, and have low accuracy and objectivity. As a 3D technology, vessel extraction and vascular disease diagnosis based on the CT volume data has become an important research focus, since it contain more information than those based on the 2D angiography. It is also non-invasive and inexpensive. This thesis deals with vascular extraction and reconstruction algorithms based on CT volume data, leading to successful application to three-dimensional vascular analysis system.
For vascular extraction, filter preprocessing and gray-weighted processing are introduced to improve the accuracy of centerpoints calculation of the center-likelihood value based vessel centerline extraction algorithm. Experiments show that both schemes can reach as close as the real likelihood of vascular centre; Then, the original tracking based on two points’ direction is extended to multi-point tracking, which makes the algorithm more robust for tracking the curving vessel. Experimental results show that as long as the initial and termination positions of the interested vessels are obtained, the algorithm can automatically find all the discrete vascular centerpoints between two starting points and an end point.
For vascular reconstruction, an equal space centerline sampling method based on the 0.618 algorithm is proposed, which convert the problem of equal space sampling of the vessel centerline to seeking for the minimal value of single peak function. It successfully finds the discrete centerpoints of same neighboring distance; secondly, a vessel slice generation algorithm based on the coordinate transformation is presented, which obtains smooth transition vascular slices according to translation and rotation matrixes. It guarantees the each centerpoint of the blood vessel lies in center of its slice; finally, all the slices are piled to straighten the vascular. A profile is generated along the centerline of the vessel with the help of the three linear interpolation algorithm, which facilitates consequent quantitative analysis.
Finally, a three-dimensional vascular analysis system is given, which successfully realizes the vascular extraction and straight draught as well as quantitative analysis, through human-machine interaction.

Keywords: Vessel Extraction Vessel Reconstruction CT Volume Data Centerline Extraction Quantitative Analysis


第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 3
1.2 血管分析的研究现状 3
1.2.1 血管路径线和中心线提取 3
1.2.2 造影图像中血管的提取 4
1.2.3 血管狭窄程度的评估 4
1.3 论文的研究内容和章节安排 5
1.3.1 研究内容 5
1.3.2 章节安排 6
第二章 医学图像的预处理及图像分割 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 医学图像的获取 7
2.3 医学图像的预处理 8
2.3.1 邻域平均法 9
2.3.2 中值滤波 9
2.3.3 高斯平滑滤波 10
2.3.4 实验结果与分析 10
2.4 医学图像分割 11
2.4.1 引言 11
2.4.2 基于区域的分割 12
2.4.3 基于边缘的分割 15
2.4.4 实验结果与分析 17
2.5 小结 18
第三章 血管的提取 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 三维血管分析系统介绍 20
3.2.1 软件功能 20
3.2.2 系统原理 21
3.2.3 主要功能模块介绍 21
3.3 基于跟踪法的三维血管中心线提取算法 22
3.3.1 算法原理 22
3.3.2 血管中心的计算 23
3.3.3 跟踪方向的计算 28
3.3.4 跟踪的结束条件 30
3.4 小结 30
第四章 血管的重建 31
4.1 引言 31
4.2 基于坐标变换的血管拉直重建算法 31
4.2.1 血管拉直重建算法的原理 31
4.2.2 等间隔采样 32
4.2.3 断层图像插值 35
4.2.4 切面计算 37
4.2.5 切片体数据的生成 38
4.2.6 实验结果与分析 41
4.3 小结 42
第五章 血管的定量分析 43
5.1 引言 43
5.2常见的血管定量分析方法 43
5.2.1 直线段和曲线段的测量 43
5.2.2 周长和面积的测量 43
5.2.3 血管狭窄程度的度量 44
5.3 小结 45
第六章 结束语 47
6.1 工作总结 47
6.2 未来展望 48
致 谢 49
参考文献 51
攻读硕士期间发表的论文 57
附录A 59

第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景及意义
1.1.1 课题背景
1895年,德国物理学家伦琴发现X射线,开启了医学影像学的大门。计算机的出现是人类在二十世纪所取得的最伟大发现,近20余年间,传统的放射技术与计算机相结合,产生了包括CT(Computed Tomography),DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography ),MRA(Magnetic Resonance Angiography)等在内的一系列新的医疗诊断设备,带来了影像学的变革。利用计算机来进行医学图像数据的表达、处理和定量分析占据越来越重要的位置,其中主要涉及到两个过程,即如何更好地提取物体以及描述物体。

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