

  • 简介:(论文 页数:39 字数:12937带程序)摘要:种传输信息的媒体,由于其本身的直射性和反射性,以及不易受光照、电磁波等外界因素影响的特性,在探伤、测距、测速等多种领域越来越受到重视。 在测距领域,传统的测距方法都是用一种带有标准刻度的测量工具进行有接...
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(论文 页数:39 字数:12937带程序)摘要:种传输信息的媒体,由于其本身的直射性和反射性,以及不易受光照、电磁波等外界因素影响的特性,在探伤、测距、测速等多种领域越来越受到重视。

关键词: 超声波,测距,非接触式,PIC单片机

Ultrasonic is a kind of media that transmits information, It has many speciality,for example pounded and reflection, and not easy to be disturbed by the factors such as light, Hertzian waves. because of these unique advantages, ultrasonic get more and more attention of people on many areas,such as crack detection, range finding and speed trial.
In the area of range finding,the traditional methods are used a measurement tools with calibration standard and contact to the object to measure. Although this method has been widely used in life, but in some occasions, it could not complete range of tasks, such as the range finding of well depth, Level, and the measuring the length of the pipeline.And use this method of reading, the data getting and preservation rely on artificial methods,the data handling in late is also relatively trouble. To overcome the traditional methods ranging occasions in the above does not apply, with the development of electronic products, a new range finding methods-ranging non-contact is emerging.
This paper presents a Ultrasonic Ranging Module design which use PIC16F73 to the core controller. Papers first introduced the Ultrasonic Ranging basic principles , be followed demonstrate several of the plan, and determine the final design, finally describe entire design in detail.

Keyword: ultrasonic, range finding,non-contact,PICsinglechip


摘要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 课题背景及重要意义 5
1.2 课题研究的历史与现状 5
第二章 超声波测距的基本原理 7
2.1 超声波的介绍 7
2.2 超声波的产生 7
2.3 超声波测距的原理 8
第三章 方案论证 10
3.1 超声波传感器的选择 10
3.1.1 方案1:收发一体式 10
3.1.2 方案2:收发分体式 10
3.1.3 结论 10
3.2 超声波发波方式的选择 10
3.2.1 方案一:555电路产生40KHz方波 11
3.2.2 方案二:单片机软件产生40KHz方波 11
3.2.3 结论 12
第四章 系统硬件电路设计 13
4.1 系统硬件框图 13
4.2 主控制器PIC16F73简介 13
4.3 超声波发波电路 14
4.4 超声波接收电路 14
4.4.1 放大电路 14
4.4.2 整形、比较电路 15
4.5 数据传输 16
4.5.1 D/A数据传输 16
4.5.2 I2C数据传输 16
第五章 系统软件设计 18
5.1 MPLAB IDE集成开发环境 18
5.2 系统软件框架 18
5.3 长、短距离测量模式的自动调整 19
5.3.1 长距离测量模式 19
5.3.2 短距离测量模式 19
5.3.3 模式的自动切换 20
5.4 I2C数据传输的设置和实现 20
5.4.1 I2C地址的设置 20
5.4.2 I2C从动模式介绍 21
5.4.3 I2C的中断服务程序 24
第六章 实验结果 26
6.1 D/A数据传输 26
6.2 I2C数据传输 26
第七章 总结 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录1 电路原理图 30
附录2 程序源代码 31

第一章 绪论


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