

  • 简介:(毕业论文 页数:43 字数:17087 带程序)摘 要:随着互联网技术和信息通讯技术的飞速发展,信息化、智能化的浪潮正在席卷世界的每一个角落,楼宇可视与非可视门铃系统进入住宅,它正全方位地改变人类的社会生活,使人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。可视与非...
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(毕业论文 页数:43 字数:17087 带程序)摘 要:随着互联网技术和信息通讯技术的飞速发展,信息化、智能化的浪潮正在席卷世界的每一个角落,楼宇可视与非可视门铃系统进入住宅,它正全方位地改变人类的社会生活,使人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。可视与非可视门铃系统的兴起,适应了社会的信息化——成为二十一世纪房地产投资开发的主导方向。由于人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越重视住宅小区的质量、安全性以及信息的获取和管理,这又大大促进了智能可视与非可视门铃系统的发展。各种方便于生活的智能门铃系统开始进入人们的生活,以单片机为核心的可视门铃系统就是其中之一。它实用性强,功能齐全,技术先进,使人们相信这是科技进步的成果;它更让我们懂得,数字时代的发展将改变人类的生活,将加快科学技术的发展。


Along with the Internet and the information communication technology rapid development, the information and the intellectualized tide are rolling up like a mat the world visibly each quoin. The building enters the housing with the non- visible and the visible doorbell systems, it omnidirectional is changing humanity's social life, caused people's life to have a earth-shaking change. Visible and non- visible doorbell system starting, adapted society's information - to become the 21st century real estate investment development the leading direction. As a result of the people living standard unceasing enhancement, more and more takes the residential district the quality, secure as well as the information gain and the management, this greatly promoted the intelligence visible and the non- visible doorbell system development. Each kind of convenience starts in the life intelligent doorbell system to enter people's life, take the monolithic integrated circuit as the core visible doorbell system is one of them. Its usability strong, the function is complete, the technological advance, causes the people to believe this is the advance in technology achievement; It lets us understand that, the Digital Age development will change humanity's life, will speed up the science and technology the development.
Computer technology flourishing more and more daily, each kind of integrated chip operating speed large scale enhancement, counts the pronunciation video frequency compression code technology to be day by day mature, the doorbell system gradually transforms from the simulation way to the digital way, by wireless Shan Huxing to wired multi- households transformation. The visible doorbell system has the former traditional doorbell incomparable merit. The intelligent building visible to speaks the system mainly to apply in the building between the inhabitant and the external visitor provides the bidirectional telephone conversation, simultaneously through the entrance installment camera for the inhabitant demonstrated external visitor's picture, for inhabitant whether lets the visit visitor enter makes the judgement. The inhabitant front door usually always is at the condition of locked, avoids the non- this building personnel in entering in the building without in the permission situation.
The intelligent building visible to spoke the system has applied the monolithic integrated circuit programming technology, the serial communication, the photograph and the video frequency demonstrated the technology designed one kind of visitor distinguished the electrically controlled information management the intelligent system. The present paper introduced one kind the visible doorbell system principle of work which controls with monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51, and has produced its integrity hardware electric circuit and the software design proposal and the realization method.
Through to ‘the intelligent visible doorbell systems’ the topic study and the design, makes me to understand the AT89C51 monolithic integrated circuit the characteristic; Further grasped the monolithic integrated circuit to carry on many machine correspondences the principle; Also locks to the electron with the video frequency, the audio frequency control recuperates the module to have the certain degree to ford into. Has made a very good upholstery to the later study and the work.

Keywords: AT89C51 monolithic integrated circuit, video frequency gathering and demonstration, serial communication



摘 要 I
目 录 IV
第1章 概 论 1
1.1 系统研究背景 1
1.2 系统组成及其实现简介 1
第2章 系统总体设计 3
2.1 系统分析 3
2.2 系统设计总体架构 3
2.3 系统总体框图 4
第3章 系统实现原理及相关硬件芯片 5
3.1 通讯原理 5
3.1.1 通讯方式 5
3.1.2 多机通讯的实现原理 5
3.1.3 RS-485协议 5
3.2 相关硬件芯片 7
3.2.1 AT89C51芯片介绍 7
3.2.2 MAX485收发器 9
3.2.3 继电器及7407驱动芯片 10
第4章 系统构建 13
4.1 硬件设计部份 13
4.1.1 主从通信 13
4.1.2 控制部分 14
4.1.3 视频部分 16
4.1.4 音频部分 17
4.1.5 电源部分 18
4.2 单片机软件设计部分 19
4.2.1 通讯协议制定 19
4.2.2 单片机的主机控制程序 20
4.2.3 单片机的键盘接口程序 22
结 论 1
参考文献 3
附录1 外文复印件 5
附录2 外文译文 10
附录3 源代码 13
3.1 主机控制功能的程序实现 13
3.2 键盘的程序实现 14
附录4 文献综述 16


第1章 概 论

1.1 系统研究背景
1.2 系统组成及其实现简介
该门铃系统以单片机AT89C51作为控制核心,配以视频采集调理、呼叫铃音产生调理、主机键盘、音频输入后置调理、开锁及控制、音频输出前置调理、呼叫检测、视频及音频控制、摘挂机检测等模块组成。在整个设计中,单片机 主机主要完成门铃呼叫信号、摘挂机、按键检测及相应控制信号的输出,完成来人呼叫后及主动监视30s定时等功能。

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