

  • 简介: 摘 要 本文通过添加气相法白碳黑、氧化铝两种填料增加硅橡胶硬度。分析了两种填料对硅橡胶性能的影响,着重研究了高硬度硅橡胶的热稳定性。并通过研究各种因素对高硬度硅橡胶性能影响的机理,解决了硅橡胶因硬度增加而引起的强度、回弹性和耐热...
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关 键 词:硅橡胶; 热稳定性; 耐热添加剂; 氧化铝; 白碳黑;









Improvement of elasticity and thermal stability of a hyper-hard silicone rubber composite





In this paper, two kinds of silica and alumina were selected to improve the hardness of silicone rubber. The change of performance of silicone rubber aroused by two fillers was studied, and the factor which affected the thermal stability of high hardness silicone rubber was analysed especially. Contrapose the all of contradiction brought by increasing hardness of silicone rubber base on affecting mechanism of all factors, resolved the confliction brought out by hardness and strength, hardness and elasticity, hardness and thermal stability.

By lots of experiment and research, giving attention to two or more things base on improvement of property, with solution of Vinyl triethoxysilane as a system of improving property of alumina(particle size smaller than 30um), by improved alumina adding the hardness of silicone rubber(shoreA90), resolved all contradiction brought forth by high hardness.


Keywords: Silicone rubber; Thermal stability; Heat stabilizer; Alumina; Silica; Coupling agents




1    . 1

2    文献综述. 3

2.1      有机硅橡胶结构与性能. 3

2.2      硅橡胶的硫化体系及硫化机理. 6

2.3      硅橡胶的热氧老化. 9

2.3.1    硅橡胶在热氧老化中结构和性能的变化. 10

2.3.2    影响硅橡胶老化的因素和老化机理. 11

a链结构的影响. 12

b.末端-OH的影响. 12

2.4      提高硅橡胶的耐热氧老化性的途径. 12

2.4.1    加入金属氧化物抗氧剂. 13

3    实验部分. 15

3.1      主要原料. 15

3.2      主要设备与仪器. 16

3.3      不同粒径二氧化铈的制备. 16

3.3.1    机械法. 16

3.3.2    气相法白碳黑担载二氧化铈的制备. 17

3.4      A151处理氧化铝的制备. 17

3.5      硅橡胶试制备. 18

3.5.1    炼胶. 18

3.5.2    硫化. 18

3.5.3    老化. 19

3.6      性能测试. 19

3.7      高温性能测试. 21

4    结果与讨论. 22

4.1      气相法白碳黑填充体系. 22

4.1.1    白碳黑的填充. 22

4.1.2    氧化铈对硅橡胶耐热老化性能. 25不同粒径氧化铈的抗老化性能. 26氧化铈用量对抗老化性能的影响. 30

4.1.3    白碳黑担载氧化铈对硅橡力学胶性能的影响. 31

4.1.4    小结. 32

4.2      氧化铝填充体系. 33

4.2.1    概述. 33

4.2.2    硅烷偶联剂处理氧化铝填充体系. 34    硅烷偶联剂用量对硅橡胶性能的影响. 34    不同硬度硅橡胶的制备. 36

4.2.3    回弹性. 40

5    结论. 42

  . 43

参考文献. 44





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