

  • 简介: 桥式起重机主起升机构设计(完整一套设计,有说明书:论文,图纸) 250T起升机构.dwg 底座.dwg 卷筒.dwg 卷筒体.dwg 卷筒轴.dwg 轴承座.dwg 主起升减速器.dwg 开题报告.doc 论文.doc 目 录摘要 1ABSTRACT 20 引言 41 起重机概述 ...
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目     录
摘要…………………………………………………………………………   1
ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………   2
0 引言………………………………………………………………………   4
1 起重机概述………………………………………………………………   4
1.1 起重机的用途,工作特点……………………………………………   5
1.2 起重机的发展概况……………………………………………………   7
1.2.1 国外起重机的发展动向…………………………………………   8
1.2.2 国内起重机的发展动向…………………………………………   10
2   桥式起重机概述………………………………………………………   11
2.1   桥式起重机的分类…………………………………………………   11
2.2   桥式起重机的结构…………………………………………………   12
2.2.1 小车运行机构……………………………………………………   13
2.2.2 桥架……………………………………………………………… 13
2.3   桥式起重机起升机构………………………………………………   15
2.3.1 起升机构的组成…………………………………………………   15
2.3.2 起升机构的结构简图……………………………………………   16
3   起升机构设计计算……………………………………………………   19
3.1   起升机构的典型形式………………………………………………   20
3.1.1 起升机构驱动装置的布置方式…………………………………   21
3.1.2 起升机构钢丝绳卷绕系统设计…………………………………   23
3.2  主起升机构的计算………………………………………………   25
3.2.1 钢丝绳与卷筒的选择……………………………………………   25
3.2.2 设计减速器………………………………………………………   29
3.3 主起升机构零部件设计……………………………………………   30
3.3.1 钢丝绳……………………………………………………………   30
3.3.2 卷筒组……………………………………………………………   36
3.3.3 减速器设计………………………………………………………   40
4   结论……………………………………………………………………   65
5   参考文献………………………………………………………………   67
6   译文……………………………………………………………………   68
7   原文说明………………………………………………………………   76


摘     要

本起重机为250/50/10t水电站桥式起重机,安装于丰满水电站扩建工程厂房内,用于水轮发电机组及其附属设备的安装和检修工作。本课题主要对起重机的起升机构进行总体设计,主、副起升机构分别有一台电动机,一台减速器,一台轮式制动器,一套卷筒装置和上滑轮装置构成。要求起重设备运行平稳, 定位准确, 安全可靠, 技术性能先进。


The Design of the Hoisting Mechanism of Bridge Crane


    With fast developments of the modern technology, the expansion of industrial production and the growth of the automatic level, applications of the carnes in the modern manufacture has been more and more extensive, the effect has been bigger and bigger. Higher and higher requirement has been caused. Especially, with the broad application of computer technology and the appearance of the advanced design method of a lot of interdiscipline, which urge the technology of the carne into a brand-new seedtime.
     This carne is a kind of 250/50/10t bridge carnes for hydropower station, builded in the workshop of Fengman hydropower station for the extend project. It is used to install, examine and repair of sets of water-turbine generator. This paper focuses on design of hoisting mechanism of the carne, including the main and assistant hoisting mechanism with electromotors, reducers, brake staffs, drum devices and pulley gears. The carne is required to be stables, high accuracy, safety, reliability and advanced technology.
     This text briefly introduce the carne’s capability, structure, the actuality of development, and so on, referring to “Design criterion of carne” (GB3811-83) and design and calculate of the hoisting mechanism and its accessory in “Design handbook of carne”. From scheme demonstrating to designing and calculating, it takes full advantage of the computer in the whole design to raise the quality of the design, cut the cycle of the design, improve the work efficiency.

Key words:   carne,   Bridge Crane,   design of the hoisting mechanism


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