

  • 简介:[摘要]毕业班信息管理系统是一个典型的信息管理系统(MIS),本系统的开发旨在谋求实现毕业班信息查询的电子化,减轻手工查询的负担。在开发程序的选用方面,经过分析和比较,我们决定使用VB数据库开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发手段,在短时间内...
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[ Summary] graduating class information management system is the aim of development that a typical information management system( MIS), this system at seek to realize the graduating class information search electronical, lightenning the incidence of the handicraft search.In the aspects of developping procedure choosing to use, through analysis with compare, we decide to use VB database development tool, make use of its every kind of the means of development that provide that face to the object, establish in the in a short time system application prototype, then, start to the beginning prototype system proceeding need on behalf, revise continuously with improve, really arrive to become the customer satisfied can a system.

[ Key phrase] prototype method, face to the object, data consistency, data window way, information management system





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