
[英语毕业论文] Sport, Cross-Cultural Communication..

  • 简介: 原文 - IntroductionIn today’s shrinking world, society at large cannot afford to ignore studies in international relations. Cross-cultural communication is one of the most important, yetneglected aspects of international rel...
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- Introduction
In today’s shrinking world, society at large cannot afford to ignore studies in international relations. Cross-cultural communication is one of the most important, yet
neglected aspects of international relations, and herefore, deserves closer analysis. There are currently sixty-one billion people living in the world today in 199 states (Nicholson 1). More importantly communication between these groups and individuals throughout the world is increasing; international understanding, on the other hand, is not necessarily increasing, and society must work to reverse this situation, at both the individual, as well as the group level. If we do not try to understand cultures other than our own, it will be impossible to avoid international conflict. Contrary to what many assume, an increase in
interaction between people of different cultures does not usually expand cross-cultural understanding, but instead, reinforces our awareness of our own culture (Hall, How
Cultures Collide 9), which actually heightens the robability that conflict will ensue.


Chapter I: An Overview of International Relations
Chapter II: Cultural Interaction
Chapter III: People to People Communication and its Role in Improving Communication Between Units at a Higher Level within the International System
Chapter IV: Sport as a Function of Cross-Cultural Communication Throughout History
Chapter V: Structures and Forms of Sport
Chapter VI: Understanding National Cultural Values Through Sport
Chapter VII: Elite Level Sport in Latin America: How Does the US capitalistic Structure Effect Sports Throughout Latin America?
Chapter VIII: Enhancing International Understanding Through an NGO’s Sports Exchange Program Conclusion
Appendix A
Works Cited


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