
Charlotte and Her Jane Eyre

  • 简介: 原文 “Jane Eyre” has been popular with readers since its publication. The girl of Jane Eyre attracts everybody of readers. Charlotte Bronte made herself as a prototype, created successfully a new woman in 19th century, Jane...
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“Jane Eyre” has been popular with readers since its publication. The girl of Jane Eyre attracts everybody of readers. Charlotte Bronte made herself as a prototype, created successfully a new woman in 19th century, Jane Eyre, who is plain but constantly strives to become stronger, and has courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality in the male society. Their experiences are very similar. Through comparing the similar life experience between Charlotte and Jane Eyre, the paper introduces the social realism of this novel. Through the analysis to the novel, we can see the miserable predicament of English women of that time and their strong desire of seeking for equal social position with men. At same time, Charlotte also criticized the hypocrisy of England charities and the ideology “money for all-purpose” of the capitalist society.


I Introduction: Social background of the novel – Victorian Period.----- 4
II Discussion: Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre ----------------------- 5 - 12
2.1) The comparison between Charlotte Bronte’s and Jane Eyre’s experiences.
A. Their boarding school life.
B. Their governess experience.
C. Their marriage.
2.2) The social significance embodied in Jane Eyre.
A. Through a new woman Jane Eyre, reflect the strong desire of women for equality and female independence.
B. Expose the truth of England charities.
C. Criticize the ideology “money for all-purpose” in the capitalist society.
III Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------- 13
IV Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------- 14


1. 李维屏,2003,《英国小说艺术史》,上海外语教育教育出版社
2. 夏洛蒂×勃朗特著,祝庆英译,2001,《简×爱》, 上海译文出版社
3. 张伯香主编,1998,Selected Readings in English and American Literatures, 外语教学与研究出版社
4. 张耘,2002,《荒原上短暂的石楠花-勃朗特姐妹传》,中国文联出版社
5. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, 1846 http://eserver.org/fiction/jane-eyre.txt
6. http://www.flt-china.net

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