
[英文] A Summary of the Symbolism in The Scarlet ..

  • 简介: 原文 [Abstract]: The Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillful that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. This paper rese...
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[Abstract]: The Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillful that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. This paper researches the symbolism in this novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter, the names of the major characters and many objects that are described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the readers.
[Keywords]: TheScarletLetter,symbolism


1. Different meanings of the scarlet letter "A":
1.1 The Changes of the Symbolic Meaning of the Scarlet Letter “A”.
1.1.1 Adultery
1.1.2 Alone and Alienation
1.1.3 Able, Admirable and Angel
2. The Symbolic Meaning of the four Major Characters' Names
2.1 Hester Prynne
2.2 Arthur Dimmesdale
2.3 Roger Chillingworth
2.4 Pearl
3. The Symbolic Meanings of the Objects that are Described in the Novel


http:// ;www.gradesavor.com/ClassicNotes/Titles/thescarletletter/fullsumm.htm/
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